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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 21

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Jupiter.

Jupiter usually gives such an expansive view of things that the minutiae in life is lost. Not in your case. You have an exacting nature and like to get to the bottom of things. You need to find solutions and eliminate a problem. Otherwise, it bothers you. This makes you a valuable asset in any business - but only where time is not of the essence. Others, who are in more of a hurry, may see this behaviour of yours as a type of procrastination.

You will achieve your ambitions but may feel a delay as a result of conflicts of interest with loved ones or family.

Many exciting and interesting events from age 21 to 30.

Libras should be aware that the October 21 Birthday Horoscope is about discovering your inner self and finding your path. Saturn is the planet of purpose, ruling Libras. You can avoid any misunderstandings and resentful actions. If you do this, you will regenerate your energies and remind yourself of your limits and responsibilities.

October 21-born people tend to have a high level of emotional and cerebral intelligence. Although they love their family and friends, they may sometimes compromise their own wishes for the betterment of those around them. The result will be a tumultuous love life. Those born on this day will need to choose their partners wisely and spend time with their loved ones. They have much potential intellectually, which is a blessing!

Libras are born October 21st. They tend to be sensitive, generous, compassionate and kind. However, your astrological traits may also make you unlucky in love and in relationships. You're likely to have an ambitious personality, but you might be too easily disappointed. Your October 21 Birthday Horoscope will tell you why your life won't be perfect.

Libras born on October 21 are known for being social, generous, and loyal. Libras love to be with other people and communicate openly and cleverly. Although they can be picky, they're adaptable. Libras are also symbolic of the balance and harmony in the astrological world. Orange symbolizes loyalty while magnolia flowers represent harmony in the home.

People born on October 21 tend to be idealistic, and a good way to get along with them is to share their values with someone who has similar traits. Avoid being too idealistic or rigid. This will lead to problems. Try to view life as a journey. Your calling might be acting or medicine. You never know where your path will take you.

Libras have a natural intelligence and are open to people who help them achieve balance in their lives. It is important to get their attention by making them feel valued. Libras need time to relax after a hard day. They will also need some space to recharge their batteries. Lastly, Libras are often the best companions for their partners. Libras should make time for themselves if they are to be a good companion.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Dizzy Gillespie, Carrie Fisher, Angus McFadyen and Lavinia Miloscovici.


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