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The Jaw

jawWhereas your chin reveals the nature of your physical strength, your jaw determines your stamina and endurance and the way in which you express your strength. The stronger your jawline, the greater your endurance.

The best jawline is one that …….and balances the rest of the face and its features without dominating that harmony between the facial shape and features themselves. 

Where balance is a little out – even then – don’t be rash in your conclusions. The following will guide you in an assessment of the meaning of the jawline.

An ideal jaw is in perfect ratio to the rest of your face. The bones should be strong but not overly prominent. Most readers prefer a “roundish” jaw, but some “squaring” is useful in endowing more strength and self-sufficiency if it’s found.



Your square, broad and notably strong jaw line is associated with your powerful will. You have strong grit and determination and this means that you don’t give up even under immense pressure or dissuasion by those you live and work with.

Your broad chin shows the world you’re a straightforward, hard-working individual who places much importance on integrity. You like to work honestly and share the fruits of your action with those around you and by the same token expect the same integrity in the way people deal with you. You’re very steadfast in your relationships and your love and will always be there to support your marriage partner, if and when you finally decide to commit yourself.

By falling into this category of a broad jaw, your main area of self-improvement ought to be focused on your emotional expression. Feelings, or at least their demonstration, may not be all that easy for you in the first part of life. Communicating your own emotional needs or listening to the needs of your partner are the specific areas that will help you grow spiritually. Your richness of spirit is something that others love to explore with you and the more you practise communication the easier it will become and thus later in your life will be something you can be proud of.

See Related Article HERE.. →»Face Reading«←


Your tapering jaw line implies a more pointed chin which means you’re always assisted by friends and co-workers in achieving your goals, and strangely, even without your request. This is because you’ll always be popular with people and seem to make a great impact just at the right time. This may not be quite as satisfying for you later in life and may even forecast some steady decline in your health due to a loss of stability and strength. Because of this, you may find your successes don’t fully satisfy you after all the effort you’ve put in.

Because your jaw also indicates strength and determination, yet tapers to a somewhat pointed shape, can indicate your authority and assertiveness are lacking and need energising. You’ll need to work on presenting your views and taking charge of your life in a slightly more forceful manner. Until you address these issues you could be quite a frustrate individual and may not find the happiness in your personal relationships that you potentially could.

See Related Article HERE.. →»Face Reading«←


Your tapering jaw line implies a more pointed chin which means you’re always assisted by friends and co-workers in achieving your goals, and strangely, even without your request. This is because you’ll always be popular with people and seem to make a great impact just at the right time. This may not be quite as satisfying for you later in life and may even forecast some steady decline in your health due to a loss of stability and strength.

Because of this, you may find your successes don’t fully satisfy you after all the effort you’ve put in. Because your jaw also indicates strength and determination, yet tapers to a somewhat pointed shape, can indicate your authority and assertiveness are lacking and need energising. You’ll need to work on presenting your views and taking charge of your life in a slightly more forceful manner. Until you address these issues you could be quite a frustrate individual and may not find the happiness in your personal relationships that you potentially could.

See Related Article HERE.. →»Face Reading«←


Your disproportionately large jaw line indicates your relentless pursuit of an objective to your own detriment at times. You have an inflexible and almost impossible attitude when it comes to compromising. On this note your emotional communication also needs to be worked on so that you can share your feelings but by the same token listen to what others have to say as they may be able to provide you with certain tools that you lack emotionally speaking.

You come across to others as a demanding and aggressive person from time to time and part of your difficulty is that you haven’t yet learned to delegate some of the authority to those around you. This will only serve to create enemies and retaliation from the very peers you are trying to dominate and control. There are some positive attributes and these include your hard-working nature and very strong loyalty in friendship.

Other characteristics include firmness, stability, a practical nature and the ability to get the job done. Just don’t let your perseverance blind you to any obvious failures that may be lurking around the corner. Simply take your blinkers off and learn to take some timely advice from others who are well-meaning.

See Related Article HERE.. →»Face Reading«←


Although the broad jawline is a distinct asset, in your case because of it’s an excessively broad shape, it could become a distinct disadvantage to you. Because of this, you possess extremely strong willpower and if you study others with the same types of jawline grit and determination are invariably found in their characters. You too are a person of strong determination possessing a straightforward and hard-working element to your nature. Integrity is high on your agenda and this augments your strong work ethic.

You are an honourable person and place great emphasis on loyalty in your relationships and will be known to be steadfast with anyone you choose to partner up with. When you marry it is usually for life. You love outdoor activities and your excessively broad jaw line shows that your release valve for pent-up tension or anger is certainly rugged outdoor sports and competitive activities. You should try to make time to let off this steam so it dos not in any way spill over into your personal life.

See Related Article HERE.. →»Face Reading«←

Your jaw, as well as being proportionate, should be carved with firmness. That firmness is a vital measure of your consistency and determination in life. If it ids too pronounced you’ll more than likely enjoy success but may find it hard to share those successes with others.

As you’ve seen from the Chinese system of dating and timing on your face the jawline has special reference to the later years of your life.

Issues of security and life fulfillment are also seen from the type and shape of jaw you own. It’s very important for a future reading to see the style of jaw you possess -–important for understanding whether fulfillment and stability will be yours. To capitalise on what you have achieved in life, a good jawline is necessary.

Your maturity, strength, stamina and even your status to a large extent, can be gauged from your jaw. Remember that the cheeks also have a large bearing on your status and achievement. Therefore the cheeks and the chin are mutually supportive in your understanding of either feature.

The square, broad and notably strong jawline is associated with those of powerful will. If you study people with strong grit and determination, you’ll invariably find strength prominence and width in the jawline. It means you’re a straight forward, hard working individual and possess integrity. 

The squarish chin usually augments the square mesomorphic or ligamentous temperament and will therefore highlight other characteristics which were mentioned in the earlier chapter on the basic character shapes. 

In the mesomorph, and therefore in a square broad jawline, you’ll find great reserves of physical strength on which to draw upon. Outdoor activities and physical exertion are excellent ways in which you can hormones your vital energies.

You’re a very honourable person and place great emphasis on loyalty.

If you fall into this category (broad jaw) your main area of self-improvement ought to be focused on your emotional expression. Feelings, or at least their demonstration, may cause you some discomfort. Communicating your own emotional needs or listening to the needs of your parter are areas that will help you grow spiritually if you learn the art. 

You have a wealth of experience and richness of spirit which others love to share with you in your offering it to them. The more you taste the joy of communication the easier it will become.

Though width is an asset, where your jaw is concerned, if excessively broad it’s a disadvantage. You’ll know you have an excessively wide jawline if from a front on view the outer extremities of the jaw extend beyond the line of the ears.

When your jaw is disproportionately large in comparison to the rest of your face, you come across as a demanding and aggressive person. You like to assert yourself in the workplace and use your authority to get your way.

Just be sure you have been delegated that authority first or you may find a lot of retaliation from your peers. One Nation Party leader Pauline Hanson has a very strong and moderately disproportionate jawline.

In identifying yourself as a person with a pronounced jaw, take heart. There are some positive attributes and these can be established by utilising some of the techniques of modern, Western physiognomy. 

If the middle of the jaw region (directly beneath the cheek on the jawline) is firm and well formed, your nature is stable, patient and enduring.

If you possess a developed jawline, you will persevere in your work and tasks. According to Western face readers, the primary characteristics to be read from the jaw include firmness, stability, stubbornness (depending on the extend of development) and determination. The opposite characteristics will be noticeable if your jaw is undeveloped.

If the characteristic of resolving and determination are reflected in your jaw, – you’ll see things through to the end and exhibit a positive disposition even during times of difficulty. 

When the jaw is overdeveloped though, your perseverance may blind you to the obvious failure of an enterprise or pathway and this reflects your blinker vision when it comes to taking timely advice from others.

Policemen, security officers and others requiring hardness of character including sports people, often have well-developed jaws.

Let’s not overlook the more rounded, softer looking jawline which, if yours is like this, indicates your more easygoing and social disposition. Depending on the firmness of your round chin, you will be moderately or overly easygoing. 

That is to say, if your jaw is too fleshy or flabby – and has say a double chin, then excessive living and lack of discipline will be reflected.

Generally, you prefer the solitude of family and home life, but don’t think this precludes you from enjoying the company of others. The rounded chin and jawline fall into the category of the endomorphic, round shaped face and so many of the qualities described earlier will apply to you.

One drawback with the rounded jaw is that inspiration and even motivation may require the input of others to kickstart you. That easy going nature may at times translate into procrastination. But, with other positive facial characteristics, you’ll be able to use your affable manner in a most positive and rewarding way.

The tapering jawline implies a more pointed chin and seems to be the darling of modern fashion and beauty magazines. It’s in truth, very reflective of the vain and narcissistic nature of the modeling industry. In many ways, our own self-worth is shaped by what these magazines and fashion/cosmetic companies deem to be an acceptable view of beauty. It’s especially true with younger women. 

As a result of the way our own view of beauty is conditioned, it’s no wonder that the tapering jaw (and chin) is generally lucky for success – especially in a professional way. Your tapering jaw means you’re always helped by friends and co-workers in achieving your goals. You’ll always be popular with others and seem to make a good impact at the right time. 

It’s not quite as satisfying for you later in life and may even herald some decline in your health – loss of stability and strength. Because of this you may find your successes don’t quite satisfy you (after all of that!)

A similar jaw is one which is narrow. This means you harbour considerable frustration. As was described the Western system earlier, a developed firm and prominent jaw adds power and authority to its owner. If on the other hand that strength is lacking, your authority or assertiveness may also lack. 

You’ll need to work on presenting your views and taking charge of your life in a slightly more forceful manner if you’re to fully satisfy your life purpose.


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