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Astrological Profile for Those Born on August 1

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is the Sun.

The double Sun energy provides you with an abundance of creative energy and drive, with great leadership potential. You give of yourself 100% but expect the same loyalty from family and friends. Your expectations may seem unrealistic and demanding at times, and in your zeal to achieve the goals you have set may actually lose the respect you are trying to attain. By blending empathy with quiet assertiveness you can gain the best results from the environment, resources and people at your disposal.

You possess great creative potential and charisma and enhance your appearance by selecting the finest attire to make an impression on others. A born leader, people look up to you but take care not to abuse the positions of respect and authority that will be invested in you.

This sign is self-sufficient and independent, but also emotional and demanding. They are often solitary and tend to be demanding, but they do have a good sense of humor and are very loyal. Although they can be emotionally dependent, if you learn how to manage their personalities, you will find it easy to support them. Then again, if they were born in August, they may have a more liberal mindset when they grow up.

The negative traits of the August 1 zodiac are often those that drag you down. For example, harshness is one of the negative traits. These people often act harshly, without taking into account the consequences. These people are often unrealistic and put their opinions ahead of what they do. You may find them domineering or possessive. Regardless of these traits, you are bound to enjoy the company of an August 1!

August-born people have a cheerful disposition. Their energy is boundless, and they thrive on challenges. They are also very ambitious and enjoy lavish lifestyles. While their independence is one of their traits, they can also be stubborn, arrogant, and attention-seeking. No matter what their personality, there's a chance they'll meet someone equally charismatic. You can achieve your dreams if you find the right person.

Your lucky colors are copper and gold.

Your lucky gem is Ruby.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday, Monday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,46,55,64,73 and 82.

Famous people born on your birthday include Herman Melville, Yves Saint Laurent, Coolio and Bernadette Flynn.


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