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Astrological Profile for Those Born on August 18

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Mars.

There's no way Mars will allow you to be under the rule or control of anyone else. You are independent, straight forward and enterprising in your manner. An explosive nature is revealed at times when restraint or opposition is placed in your path. You must expect danger at some stage of life as Mars rules weapons, injuries and fights.

Always prefer the gentle response to the aggressive, to minimise the negative energies of Mars. The sub rulership of Saturn means you do have the capacity for restraint if you exercise cool headedness instead.

Your August 18th birthday makes it a great time to review your horoscope and see how you can improve your life. You'll have a commanding personality and a high standard of merit. This star sign could make you an enemy of society. This birthday horoscope also shows you will have a great love life, but you'll also have some problems with your love life.

People born on August 18 are visionaries. They don't like being impressed. Although they are very stubborn, they can be very firm in their opinions. Their competitive spirit is also a strength. When they are surrounded by competition, they are known for coming out on top. The downside of being born on this date is that you can become naive about certain things. There are many ways you can stay on the right track, and not become depressed or unhappy in your life.

The sign of Leo is optimistic and radiates masculine energy. It is also an odd-numbered sign, but its natives are generally friendly and approachable. This archetype, also known as The Performer is a great choice for engineers and technicians.

These people are generous, compassionate and eager to help others. People born on this date have an innate sense of humor. Those born on this day may have been badgered as children, but they now treat kids with love and respect, and are very charitable.

If you were born on August 18, your birthday is a good time to look at your horoscope to find out how to improve your life. Your personality will be strong and you'll display high standards of excellence. This star sign could make you an enemy of society. This birthday horoscope also shows you will have a great love life, but you'll also have some problems with your love life.

Visionaries are people born in August 18th. They don't like being impressed. They are always right on their decisions, but they have a very strong will. Their competitive spirit is also a strength. When they are surrounded by competition, they are known for coming out on top. The downside of being born on this date is that you can become naive about certain things. There are many ways you can stay on the right track, and not become depressed or unhappy in your life.

Your lucky colors are red, maroon and scarlet and autumn tones.

Your lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 9, 18, 27, 36. 45, 54, 63, 72.

Famous people born on your birthday include Shelley Winters, Robert Redford, Patrick Swayze, Christian Slater, Madeleine Stowe and Edward Norton.


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