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Astrological Profile for Those Born on August 3

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Jupiter.

Philosophical, spiritual and high-level vibrations are ruled by Jupiter, so everything you attempt will have the Jovian stamp on it. You are seen as enterprising, ambitious and maybe a little excessive at times, but you always look at the positive in any circumstance in which you are placed. You are generous and warm in relationships and love to share your successes with those around you as well.

Curb the tendency to exaggerate your ideas so as to maintain your credibility.

Your Birthday Horoscope for August 3 is likely to be full of exciting ideas. You will find your idealistic nature complemented by your creativity and expression. You are likely to be intuitive and able to perceive your own feelings and experiences. Despite the optimistic energy associated with this day, you are also likely to be a little moody or stubborn.

If you're born on this date, you have a very positive outlook on life. You have the potential to attract a partner by opening your heart and mind. This person is naturally attracted to people with similar traits.

People born August 3 are known for their strong sense of duty, commitment and a great sense of responsibility. These people are energetic and alert by nature. They also enjoy playing sports. They also tend to be more flexible with their diet than most people. However, these traits also make them more likely to suffer from sprains and fractures. This day is also associated with instability and impulsivity in people born. Avoid stressful activities and situations.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Leon Uris, Tony Bennett, Martin Sheen and John C McGinley.


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