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Astrological Profile for Those Born on December 29

Your Star Sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Saturn and Moon.

With this energy on your birthday, you are prone to many changes in life and must learn to balance the power that has been entrusted to you. You have a highly nervous disposition which causes you to be extremely emotional at times. This in turn will no doubt affect your decision making which is the foundation of your destiny. If you can use your power of self-examination and control you will overcome these changeable traits and achieve your desired ends. Not only that, this approach will also endow you with a stronger personality.

The number 11 is the first of the Master Numbers because the number 1 is ruled by the Sun and in your case has double the power. Many people born on the 11th feel a special calling to assist the world in this time of transition, to higher consciousness. You too may feel this power and should act accordingly. It gives you the power of teaching and New Age communication.

Try had to transcend the concept that you are alone. Your destiny may be such that at certain times in your life you will have to walk your path without anyone at your side. By accepting this fact you will become strengthened and gain inner knowledge.

Generally, people born on this date are shy and reserved, which can make it difficult to find a partner or make love. However, this does not mean that they don't have feelings, and are incredibly practical and responsible.

A person born on December 29 is likely to be a practical person. These people are likely to become a friend or business partner. They are practical but suspicious of other people. They tend to let stress affect their health, so they should avoid stressful situations. Exercising is a great way to relieve stress. Another way to relax is music.

This date is a good one to help you in your work. These people also possess a great deal of talent and artistic creativity. They can be extremely creative but need to manage their energy. They also need to be careful not to take on too much. They can also be reserved and cold despite their creativity. This type of person may not be very sociable, but they have excellent communication skills.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Pablo Casals, Jude Law, Mary Tyler Moore, Mystro Clark and Jason-Shane Scott.


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