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Astrological Profile for Those Born on February 12

Your Star Sign is Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Uranus and Jupiter.

These are beautiful energies that rule you. The combined energy of Jupiter and Uranus, the subharmonics of the Sun and Moon indicate a practical and intuitive energies nicely blended making you interested in the greater welfare of Mankind as a whole. Generally, your optimism will shine and lift up other people. Your generosity is the true mark of your nature.

You have harmonious relationships with others but inwardly you may be hiding some inconsistencies in your nature. You are very sensitive to criticism and sometimes take statements far too personally. If you can overcome that slight weakness in your nature you will find your relationships with other people much more fulfilling.

Although you may be cautious and reserved, you are also loyal, caring, and enthusiastic. The placement of the sun in your eleventh house, which is associated with friendship, dreams, and higher goals will increase your desire to exercise. Your birth date signifies that you are interested in socializing with others. Your desire to meet people, make new friends and travel will be a driving force behind your enjoyment and enrichment.

People born under the sign of Aquarius are independent, witty, and have a curious mind. They tend to hold onto their relationships without letting go. These people are loyal to a fault and can be difficult to break up with. However, they are highly dependable, honest, and broad-minded. Your friends and family will appreciate and respect you for your uniqueness and energy. 

Your Root number 3 is the keyword "Innovation" if you were born on February 12. Because of this, you're prone to risk your life, but it's worth remembering that you're not the only one with this birthdate. People born February 12th are often overconfident and are willing to take chances with their lives. Although they may argue for the unorthodox, this can often be a sign of lack of self-confidence. Learn to be less impulsive to avoid pitfalls.

Your lucky colors are yellow


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