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Astrological Profile for Those Born on January 3

Your Star Sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Saturn and Jupiter.

The beneficial Jupiter is your ruler and reflects your moral and spiritual nature. You have standards that are very high and aspire to the principles of integrity and fair play in all areas of your life. You exhibit empathy, compassion and a genuine concern for all people and at the same time may also exhibit good executive ability. You have well balanced and sound judgment, are honest in your dealings, and you're self-confident. You are known for your jovial, exuberant spirit.

You enjoy friendship and will go the extra distance to prove your loyalty. You are direct and straightforward in your speech and your opinions - at times maybe too much so. You have a high degree of physical energy so all kinds of sports will suit you down to the ground.

People born on January 3 are usually very clever, industrious, and eager. These people strive for power and control. This personality type is not easily defeated and tends to lead a rather predatory lifestyle. These personalities are capable of convincing others about their successes while also imposing a high sense of responsibility. For this reason, people born on January 3 are often the ones who get promoted themselves the most.

Capricorns can also be very creative, and they are well-known for sticking to their vision. While many would give up, they never fail to impress others with their hard work and dedication. They excel in studying, and work long hours. The tenth house in their lives is a symbol of virility. The tenth house is often associated with career and social roles. It also reflects all that involves professional skills. People born on this day are likely to be intelligent, well-educated, and willing to broaden their horizons.

The Capricorn Zodiac sign is for people born January 3. You tend to be very ambitious and responsible and view life as one huge project. These people think in terms of timelines, resources, and implementation models. Although they have meticulous plans in place, life is unpredictable. You should not be stubborn if you were born January 3. It may prove disastrous in the long run. There are ways around your stubborn behavior.

People born on January 3 are generally energetic, despite their tendency to be overly sensitive. These people are motivated and thrive under pressure. They are often overweight but have lots of energy, are willing to tackle new challenges and can do it. Although they are too busy to exercise, people born January 3 do include physical activity in their day. If you are looking to keep fit, it may be worth starting a diet.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Cicero, Zazu Pitts, Ray Milland, Victor Borge, Betty Furness, Victoria Principal, Mel Gibson, Michael Schumacher and Jason Marsden.


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