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Astrological Profile for Those Born on January 31

Your Star Sign is Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Uranus.

It could be said you have a revolutionary spirit and don't like to see things or live life along the normal traditional lines of society. At times you feel isolated and may not quite know how to channel the overwhelming feelings within you. You have generally a positive view of life and big plans but may also experience sudden reversals coupled with sudden successes in life.

You like to see the big picture and always aim for the horizon ahead. You have a progressive mind and are physically mobile and flexible. Any rugged kinds of sports and outdoor activities will help you in your search for inner meaning.

In love, you give your all.

People born on this day are attracted to other people of the same sign. These people are open to challenging the rules of society, which will make them attractive and magnetic to other people. These people are more likely to realize their goals, regardless of how others view them. Their need for acceptance is strong, but their uniqueness is often admirable.

Your birthdate reveals a revolutionary spirit and the desire for independence. You'll find that you have a strong sense of self-respect, and you're able to depend on your integrity and honesty. You will attract many loyal and dependable friends, but you should be careful not to be too self-centered or impulsive. Although they can be charming and charismatic people born January 31, many are also suffocating, stubborn, and obstinate.

People born on January 31 are usually surrounded by nature and are able to draw their inspiration from it. This birthday is for Aquarians. They are intelligent, creative, and intuitive. It will be easy to communicate with them and take decisions based upon their intuition. They have a magnetic spirit and are very intuitive. According to the January 31 Birthday Horoscope, they will be attractive to others and good at team play.

Your lucky colors are electric blue, electric white and multi-colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Franz Schubert, C.E.O.Carter, John O'Hara, Roosevelt Sykes, Jack Robinsn, Carol Channing, Norman Mailer, Minnie Driver, Portia de Rossi, Justin Timberlake and Real Andrews.


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