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Astrological Profile for Those Born on January 4

Your Star Sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Saturn and Uranus.

What a down to earth number! You are ruled by the electrical Uranus and the practical Saturn, which at first appear to be contrary energies, but you are gifted in your ability to combine progressive thinking with the material concerns of your life. You are extremely methodical in your thought and good with numbers, but you must learn to temper your opinion and accommodate other people's point of view.

Because you are hard working, you may tend to exceed your physical capacity and this may result in a high degree of self-criticism. The number 4 is an extreme number, especially in its desire for material success. Do not overemphasise the importance of your worldly activity and accomplishments. Give some time to your spiritual and inner life too.

You should be aware of the astrological traits associated with January 4th. This day's people are friendly and kind. Their stubborn streak can lead them to disagree with certain situations or people. They are born in 4th and Sagittarius. If you have a January 4 birth date, you are likely to be honest and resourceful. 

Your personality can be affected by the astrological aspects of your birth chart. The planet Mars rules January 4th-borns, giving them an independent and positive outlook. These characteristics also make them good at communicating with others. They are also able to make a good impression on others, thanks to the influence of Saturn in their birth chart. However, they are also prone to being argumentative and irritable, which could lead to a lot of frustration.

If you're born on January 4, you'll have a practical and conscientious personality, and are often a leader who is dedicated to helping others. Capricorns excel at setting and organizing rules and have a strong sense of humor. This day's people are able to think of many things. To avoid creating chaos, you'll need to control them. If you aren't careful they will be in the limelight.

Your lucky colors are electric blue, electric white and multi-colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week Sunday and Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Sir Isaac Newton, Jacob Grimm, Jane Wymann, Patty Loveless, Michael Stipe, Dave Foley and Julia Ormond.


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