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Astrological Profile for Those Born on January 8

Your Star Sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Saturn.

Because you are born on the 8th, Saturn has double rulership in your case that accentuates the influence of this very intensely sobering and balancing number. At times you may appear pessimistic, and so you need to settle your mind with more joy, optimism and inner sunshine. Try to remove some of the cynicism towards your own life processes and by softening your cautious nature, you will no doubt begin to see better results in your life.

You are very good with money, highly resourceful and prudent in all of your dealings. You have strong ambition with a solid sense of purpose - all of the important ingredients that make for success.

In love, you may find yourself beset with some delays and possibly may prefer your own company to that of others. This part of your nature must also be considered as you do have a lot to offer friends, family and the world at large.

The birth date of January 8 is considered very masculine and dangerous, and people born on this day often have great ambitions. They can have dangerous energies and need to find a cause or mission that they believe in. This date is a great time to be born. However, they need to have a plan in place before they can take the next steps. They are usually generous, and lovable, but they also tend to be stingy.

When it comes to relationships, a January 8 man or woman is a romantic type and is passionate about his or her partner. They will tolerate many lies and cheating, as well as reassurances. January 8 men and women are most compatible with those born in Taurus and Virgo, and are least compatible with those born on Sagittarius. However, they may not find the right place for love.

Capricorns born January 8 have a friendly, outgoing personality. They are strong in their work ethic and highly value friendships. Their work ethic is strong and their ability to plan for the future makes them competitive and hardworking. They may feel isolated and resentful and need to be careful not to show jealousy and pride to others. The January 8th born Capricorn may decide to teach or share their knowledge.

A January 8th person's birthday is Capricorn. They were born in the Capricorn age, so they have traits of responsibility, tact, and simplicity. They are Earth's element, which permits fire and water mold it. The person does not hold grudges and follows the earth's relationship to air. The January 8 zodiac birthday horoscope predicts good taste. So, if you are born on January 8 and are looking for a partner, remember that you are born under the Capricorn sign!

Your lucky colors are deep blue and black.

Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71.

Famous people born on your birthday include John G. Neihardt, Simone de Beauvoir, Elvis Presley, Shirley Bassey, David Bowie and Ami Dolenz.


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