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Astrological Profile for Those Born on July 23

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Mercury.

You are ruled by Sun and Mercury but also have the benefit of Moon and Jupiter to kick you along. These influences all point to very positive financial pathways which will be very lucky for you.

You can deal with and trade in business and finance and intuitively know when to go for a deal. You have the knack of sniffing out a winner. Avoid gambling and a tendency to keep going, even when your heart tells you "stop".

Though you can amass large amounts of material resources, you also tend to give away what you earn indiscriminately. Be a little more frugal with your hard earned cash.

A person born on July 23 has high ambitions and values independence and success. The person born on this day is usually very smart, and they are not easily swayed by other people's opinions. In love, they seek a partner who will learn with them and grow with them. Despite their independent and hard-working nature, they are very sensitive and often desire the love of someone special.

People born this day are known for their physical and emotional strength. They can be bold and courageous and don't mind speaking their mind. Their organizational skills are outstanding. Their outgoing nature and love being the center of attention is another advantage. These people are honest and generous, as well as having a great deal of confidence. If you are born on this day, you should be open to new experiences and are eager to learn new things.

People born on July 23 are passionate and energetic and enjoy the center of attention. They love to date, and they're quick to start projects. You can count on them to be friendly, prepared, and willing to make a casual friendship a lasting one. In addition, they're good at convincing others of their adventurous sides. They are attractive to Leos because of these characteristics. Therefore, they have a great chance of winning the heart of someone with a 23rd birthday.

Your lucky color is green.

Your lucky gems are Emerald, Aquamarine or Jade.

Your lucky days of the week Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.

Famous people born on your birthday include Max Heindel, Raymond Chandler, Woody Harrelson, Gary Payton, Stephanie Seymour, Charisma Carpenter and Coltin Scott.


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