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Astrological Profile for Those Born on July 25

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Neptune.

Your spiritual light burns brightly. You are destined to peer into the hidden meaning of life. Your sensitive nature is activated by the Moon and Neptune and Mercury will provide you with a streak of curiosity into the unknown. This may not always make you easily understood, as your mind is preoccupied with subtle things that may not always interest the average run-of-the-mill human being. Emigration, or at least residence away from your place of birth, is indicated.

Your 25th and 34th years are important spiritual landmarks for you.

A man who was born on July 25th is known for being very attractive and ambitious. This is because their determination is what makes them so attractive to others. In addition to their ambitious nature, men born on July 25 also have a tendency to look for and take on successful positions.

People born July 25th are more intense than other signs and have a strong personality. They are bold and generous, but these positive qualities can also make them appear to be unreliable. This personality trait has a positive side: it allows you to be in control and make good decisions.

Your Leo birthday date is the day that you and your partner are most likely to be in a parallel relationship. This person needs someone with whom she can be herself and not just her image. You might be born July 25th. This could lead to a relationship with another person who values her inner self more than status. You can laugh with your partner and openly share your stories, if you are honest and true to yourself.

Your lucky colors are the darker green shades.

Your lucky gems are turquoise, cats eye chrysoberyl, tigers eye.

Your lucky days of the week are Mondays and Thursdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79.

Famous people born on your birthday include Walter Brennan, Eric Hoffer, Matt LeBlanc and Brad Renfro.


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