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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 10

Your Star Sign is Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Neptune and Sun.

You possess great creative potential and charisma and enhance your appearance by selecting the finest attire to make an impression on others. A born leader, people look up to you but take care not to abuse the positions of respect and authority that will be invested in you.

Who would think that you have such a deeply soul searching nature - but you do - and it is precisely that inner vision that will be the basis for some of your greatest achievements.

Health issues relating to yourself or family members may also be a catalyst for spiritual growth at different times of your life. You are highly sensitive, compassionate and love romance in all its forms.

Your Birthday Horoscope tell you that you're an ideal candidate for an executive role. Your altruism and concern for others make you an ideal candidate for positions in marketing, public relations, or sales. Your health is important. You may be sensitive to certain irritants.

People born on March 10 tend to be independent, creative, and ambitious. While they can be a bit mistrustful of flattery, their need for love is deeply held. They may resist commitment to a relationship for long periods of time. They can be sensitive emotionally and have mood swings. Consequently, they may be incompatible with romantic partners. If you're born on this day, you may wish to avoid committing to a relationship with someone who is materialistic or rude.

Your lucky colors are copper and gold.

Your lucky gem is Ruby.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday, Monday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,46,55,64,73 and 82.

Famous people born on your birthday include Barry Fitzgerald, A. Honegger, Chuck Norris, Sharon Stone, Neneh Cherry and Shannon Miller.


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