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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 11

Your Star Sign is Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Neptune and the Moon.

You have a stoical personality - when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Your born leadership qualities and sometimes blustering approach hide a much deeper and emotional sensitivity.

The Moon rules your fifth solar house and indicates children and issues related to them may become a focal point in your life. Curb your ambition and don't blind yourself to the needs of young people on your path and look into the deeper meaning of what life and your Karma actually present to you.

The people born on this day are highly charismatic and have an innate talent for learning. They tend to be the most knowledgeable and creative people at any gathering, and they have the ability to adapt to any situation. The people born on March 11 are also highly romantic and appreciate passion. Their love of beauty and poetry can make them very attractive to others.

Those born on March 11 are often creative and imaginative people, and they often have a strong sense of idealistic ideals. They are not the most vocal types, and they place more value on actions than words. Often, they tend to see their romantic partners as cheaters. But this is not the case always. You can enjoy this uniqueness, if you're open to trying something new.

The birthday horoscope for those born on March 11 can reveal some interesting insights about this unusual zodiac sign. People born on March 11 can expect to feel deep emotions, and they struggle to express them. But once these emotions are released, they can be explosive. In addition to this, stubbornness and negative mental training can help to keep these energies under control.

People born on March 11 are not good candidates for relationships. They are very self-sufficient and often have their egos focused on themselves, rather than other people. Although they may be emotionally aware, they may not always be interested in putting others' needs before their own. Therefore, they may perceive all partners as potential threats. So if you're looking for love, beware of those born on March 11.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Thursday and Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Lawrence Welk, Harold Wilson, Rupert Murdoch, Rami Jaffee and Thora Birch.


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