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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 13

Your Star Sign is Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Neptune and Uranus.

The power of Uranus exerts tremendous pressure within you. You truly are a creative volcano waiting to erupt and pour forth your incredible imagination on the world around you. What is it that has caused you to impose a cap on this power? What a shame if the world were not to experience that inner vision that you may not yet have discovered.

Travelling and journeys of all sorts are a possible means of unfolding that latent potential dream of yours, but by the same token your path will be beset by unexpected and sudden changes, sometimes of a very drastic nature. Be wary, tread cautiously and use that power with clear purpose.

Those born on March 13 are generally headstrong, intuitive, and determined. Their willpower and determination aid them in achieving their goals. Sometimes they can resist advice and be stubborn. They are often lonely and dream of escape routes. These traits make it important to have a balanced life.

March 13th-born people are compassionate and nurturing. These people can often be confident, and they may lead with their intuition.

People born March 13th are romantic. But they should not make decisions based on their feelings alone. They can be reliable, but their relationships may become dissatisfying or unproductive. Those born on March 13 should keep their emotions in check. It can be difficult to make decisions and to find the right partner. It can be worthwhile if the partner is a good listener and admires their artistic abilities.

Pisces who were born March 13th are energetic. They love exploration and spirituality. Their list of interests is endless. Many of them have strong inner workings and an underlying sense of purpose. They may be independent and prone to attracting criticism. They are more likely to choose to live close to water and find success in their business ventures. They may be some of the most innovative and bullheaded people on the planet if this is true.

Your lucky colors are electric blue, electric white and multi-colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Sammy Kaye, William H Macy, Dana Delaney, Fraziska Schenk and Thomas Enqvist.


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