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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 25

Your Star Sign is Aries

Aries Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Neptune.

You give too much in the hope of pleasing others. You need to be watchful even of your own motivation in this respect. Being psychic and possibly clairvoyant too, you absorb the vibrations of others like a sponge soaking up water Not all of the people who seem genuine are. Use a little bit of intellectual discrimination as well as an intuitive or psychic reception.

You have a fascination with unusual lands and cultures and may often daydream about a possible life in another time and place. These dreams may eventually be fulfilled, but always remember, self-discipline and careful planning are the essential ingredients in making those dreams a reality.

The March 25th born are adaptable and can adjust well to changes. This helps to keep them motivated and focused. They are often ambitious, which has contributed to their success to date. This quality is counterbalanced with a tendency toward focusing on negative traits of their personality, like lying, and sexy behavior, as well as a desire to make other people happy.

People born March 25th are energetic, enthusiastic, and inspired. You are a bit impulsive and may need time to find a partner, but once they have someone, they can give and receive love freely without inhibitions. They can be loyal but should not be pushed too far by others, as they're likely to end up disappointed. You may find that they need someone to share your inner thoughts and talk with.

Your lucky colors are the darker green shades.

Your lucky gems are turquoise, cats eye, chrysoberyl.

Your lucky days of the week Saturdays and Mondays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79.

Famous people born on your birthday include Bela Bartok, Simone Signoret, Aretha Franklin, Elton John, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jamie Kennedy.


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