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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 27

Your Star Sign is Aries

Aries Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Mars.

It is interesting how Mars endows you with such a hard working nature, but why do you suffer bouts of self-doubt? That is the question. And obstacles - you seem to attract them. Could that be for the sake of getting over them? In this way, much of your energy that could be otherwise more constructively used is being dissipated.

Control and direct those energies with strong willpower, seasoned with your ambition. Learn to let go of the past and when you can see clearly that a project or a relationship has no chance of fulfilling you, that is the only way to release it and move forward.

A birth date of March 27 reveals several traits about its occupant. The person born is dynamic, logical, and flexible. He or she is progressive in their approach to people and enjoys pleasing other people. These traits make him or her well-suited to be a leader in a business environment. A March 27 birth date also means he or she will be generous and sensitive.

Born on March 27, people have an innate tendency to search for information and answer questions. They are driven by their need to learn and lead high-powered careers. They are usually happy in any area of achievement and excellence. Professional success is often followed by financial success. Their natives are able to reach their dreams despite their natural desire to see the big picture. They also tend to adjust their plans to make them a reality.

People born on March 27 are known for their independence and self-reliance, although they are often too quick to fall in love. While they can be impulsive, they need to be ambitious and productive in order to find true love. They are more likely to choose an intellectual partner who doesn't get distracted by petty disputes or mood swings. Healthy and active, as well as their natural desire for nutritious, organic foods.

People who were born March 27th are usually kind and compassionate. They enjoy romance and are usually impulsive, so they should be careful who they fall in love with. They should be careful about their relationships, since their partners are often impulsive. Those born on this date should be careful who they date, and be cautious of dishonor. You can make a lasting relationship with someone you like if you're looking for a partner in life.

Your lucky colors are red, maroon, scarlet and autumn tones.

Your lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 9, 18, 27, 36. 45, 54, 63, 72.

Famous people born on your birthday include Sarah Vaughan, David Janssen, Mariah Carey and Quentin Tarantino.


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