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Astrological Profile for Those Born on May 5

Your Star Sign is Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Mercury.

You are talented with language and any form of communication. Mercury really adds some zing to your nature. You are swift, curious and very inventive by nature. You like to know the whys and wherefores of everything. You are always on the move and may move simply for the sake of moving. Try to spend a little bit of time in one place.

Five indicates a highly nervous and scattered vibration and so the thinking processes may actually weary you if you do not act on your plans. You have an incredible ability to absorb information so all of the studious and intellectual spheres of an industry would suit you well. A very positive aspect of your nature is a love of family and children and the fact that you are forever youthful in your own being.

The 5th of May people are born with a curiosity and a capacity to think. They also have excellent communication skills. They also have excellent judgment when it comes to money. Typically, they'll be generous with money but they have good judgment when it comes to spending it. They also value financial security and are likely to save money wisely.

People born on May 5 are highly sociable and seek a partner who shares their interests and values. These people are open to romantic feelings and will not settle for a one-sided relationship. Their mischievous side shows in their erotic fantasies. They should find a partner who can appreciate their mischievous side and help them pursue happiness. They'll find great pleasure in caring for others.

People born on the 5th of May are often highly educated. Their intellect is sharp, but they don't like to use sophistry or hypothetical reflections. Sometimes they are stubborn and will ignore basic principles in order to move ahead. Their lack of tact makes them uncomfortable with being criticized. But in the end, their self-esteem is well-developed.

Whether you're looking for a relationship or a career opportunity, you'll find a partner who is a good match for you. Taurus's qualities are pragmatic, smart, reliable, making them a great candidate for leadership roles. Their emotional and psychological stability makes them a great choice for any leadership position.

Your lucky color is green.

Your lucky gems are Emerald, Aquamarine or Jade.

Your lucky days of the week Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.

Famous people born on your birthday include Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Ho Chi Minh, James Beard, Tyrone Power and Danielle Fishel.


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