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Astrological Profile for Those Born on May 9

Your Star Sign is Taurus

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Mars.

Strength of mind and will are your key powers. You are governed by the bold and energetic Mars which brings to the fore your active, passionate and impulsive nature. You do not like laziness of any sort, so work and physical activity are a favourite with you!!

Sometimes you appear to be rather blunt in your responses and opinions. It is absolutely essential for you to listen more to others' views to improve your relationships. You are a born fighter and never given in but you may take that fighting spirit into your relationships and find yourself in a constant state of upheaval.

Be more generous with your money and try releasing your aggression with sport and psychical activity.

This is a strong, forceful sign that is very enthusiastic about life. These people are social, outgoing and willing to go above and beyond for their family. However, their enthusiasm often translates to arrogance and they may find it difficult to deal with difficult situations. They should not allow negative influences to dictate their lives.

People born on this day are fond of luxury and strive for it. These people are skilled at managing projects and have a lot of creative ideas. They are also nice-natured people who become attached to comfort, pleasure, and luxury. You might be able to develop your oratorical skills, and even become a politician. But their self-confidence can be over-blown and they should avoid over-confidence. They could lose confidence, which can lead to conflict.

May 9th-born people have strong creativity and strong self-expression. They are extremely unique and have a very creative, unique personality. They have a great relationship with others and can be very kind. They will tend to be independent, however, so may have to put in some effort to accomplish their goals. And, if they are single, they will probably have trouble forming romantic bonds. The most important thing is to be happy and have a strong sense of self-worth.

Your emotional safety is your top priority. If you're single, your partner might have a complicated relationship with another person. If you're single, don't feel guilty about your desire for sexual relationships. It could be a sign that you are single. If you are born with this combination, however, it could be a sign of betrayal.

Your sympathetic nature is often not recognised but nevertheless there.

Your lucky colors are red, maroon and scarlet and autumn tones.

Your lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 9, 18, 27, 36. 45, 54, 63, 72.

Famous people born on your birthday include James Barrie, Mike Wallace, Albert Finney, Candice Bergen, Billy Joel and Hudson Leick.


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