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Astrological Profile for Those Born on November 2

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Moon.

You love people by expressing your emotions and may be somewhat moody, but nevertheless are endearing to others. You have a desire to be liked by one and all but be careful not to sell out for the sake of others approval. Many good musicians authors and artists are born on this day and so you too may be endowed with a sense of the aesthetic and artistic.

You exhibit high imagination, idealism and are no doubt a dreamer who likes to fantasise.

People born on November 2 are intuitive by nature and give their best to their hobbies and work. These people are progressive thinkers, but they don't always communicate their ideas to others. They're also great mediators and are smart and considerate. But, one thing you should know: people born on November 2 are seldom forgiven, as they feel it shows weakness.

People born on November 2 have many talents and gifts. Although they may struggle with choosing a career, these people are quick to connect and give their energy to others. The downside to this trait is that these people are not very forgiving and have a hard time letting go of their past emotional struggles. Their strong sense of self-worth means they will need to learn to deal with rejection in order to avoid hurt feelings.

They are highly spiritual and reserved. They are naturally motivated to assist others from an inner source. They are often very protective of their friends and want to be in control of their lives. This can lead to problems when they attempt to control their friends' lives. You should let them make mistakes and take their decisions. They have good intentions, but they aren't always consciously aware of their own actions and reactions.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Daniel Boone, Marie Antoinette, James K. Polk, Warren G. Harding, Burt Lancaster, K D Lang, Tamara Hope and Ann Rutherford.


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