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Astrological Profile for Those Born on November 23

Your Star Sign is Sagittarius

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Jupiter and Mercury.

You enjoy philosophical speculation and theorizing about abstract ideas and concepts. You are interested in the broad view, universal principles and systems, seeing connecting relationships and patterns, and seeing the whole picture rather than its component parts. You have a great respect and thirst for knowledge and education, and are the proverbial "perpetual student". You also have a talent for teaching and sharing your knowledge, and as a teacher, you present yourself as a fellow participant in the ongoing quest for understanding rather than as an authority.

You may become involved in television, publishing, or other fields that involve sharing ideas with large groups of people. You excel in areas that require long-range planning and foresight, and can therefore be very successful in business, but you are rather sloppy and haphazard when it comes to implementing your ideas in a concrete way. You should leave it to someone else to take care of the details. Travel or long-distance contacts and communications will play a large role in your life and work.

The November 23 birthday horoscope predicts that the person has a unique zeal for life and innovation. This person has the ability to seduce and charm people and can even sweet talk them into a relationship. With their intelligence and originality, they can be a big contribution to society.

People born this day are talented and highly creative. Because of their inventiveness, they will find it difficult to decide on a career path. Their tendency to change careers frequently will make it hard to settle down on one career path. People born on this day are likely to go into advertising or business, and are generally creative and imaginative. But it's important to keep an open mind and maintain your unique identity.

People born on this day are known as Sagittarius. They are positive, optimistic, and charismatic. They love to explore the mysteries of life and are open-minded. People born November 23rd will gravitate to deep-thinking friendships or organizations. A polarizing experience will likely be common for these individuals. However, they will be able to cope with this by surrounded themselves with people who have the same interests as them.

Your lucky color is green.

Your lucky gems are Emerald, Aquamarine or Jade.

Your lucky days of the week Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.

Famous people born on your birthday include Franklin Pierce, Billy the Kid, Boris Karloff, Harpo Marx, Steve Harvey, Maxwell Caulfield, Zoe Ball and Tania Ante.


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