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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 11

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Moon.

Your varied moods and emotional roller coaster rides worry you considerably. But you must admit - there's never a dull moment when it comes to your life. There always seems to be some new situation testing your capacity to maintain a level head and not get railroaded into another emotional dilemma.

Because the Moon and Venus are sensitive and imaginative planets, the bottom line is that you also imagine the negative consequences and overreact to your circumstances.

Don't be afraid to assert your latent Sun energy, as the double 1 is a master number indicating the promise of success - especially in fields of education and training where you can expand the imagination of others, rather than worrying about your own inner moods.

Try visiting the Meditation Room for some soothing music and relaxation techniques.

If you're looking for a fanciful and romantic person, your birth date on October 11 may be ideal for you! Librans, a Zodiac sign that is kind and compassionate, strive to bring harmony and love into their lives. They are serious about work and reaching their goals, however.

People born on October 11 usually choose a career in the media, where they can use their artistic talents to make a living. They are skilled at expressive writing and public speaking. Although they are cooperative and can be tolerant, they may also become domineering or intolerant. They are often well versed in financial matters, but occasionally have to deal with problems with money. If you're born on October 11, consider your personality traits to find the best path for your life.

Libra people are self-disciplined and understand the right balance between work and play. They will display both of these traits in relationships. Librans are looking for love if they were born October 11.

A career that allows someone to be themselves is the best for them. While they might be a clumsy, nervy person when feeling tired, their talents are well suited to many career paths. Their talents may allow them to succeed in many fields, including music and writing. They can excel in almost any field, regardless of their goals.

Libras enjoy being social, and they love spending time with other people. Libras are generous, caring and compassionate. Although they may take more time to make decisions than others, they tend to stick to their guns. Libras are a perfect match for anyone born October 11.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Eleanor Roosevelt, Luke Perry and Sean Patrick Flannery.


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