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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 12

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Jupiter.

You'll always be there to assist others, but your desire to extend yourself at every opportunity backfires when you find you can't fulfill those obligations. Only offer your time if that time is available.

At some stage in your career, others may use your money and services - give you the elbow and finally leave you holding the baby. Being the supreme optimist that you are may leave you overlooking salient details of the contract. You should read the fine print.

Because you expect a lot in love, you may actually find it hard to meet the right person. Love may come to you a little later - after all - perfection isn't easy to find. Be more realistic in your appraisal of others.

If you were born on October 12, your Birthday Horoscope will probably be full of predictions of a successful future. Although October 12 natives are often charming and loveable, they are also very practical, understanding, and conflict-avoidant. They are incorrigible romantics, but when they are not sold on an idea, they can be lazy. Be sure to take proper precautions in your relationships to ensure your happiness.

People born on October 12 possess an affectionate, nurturing nature, but also tend to be rather unreliable. You should be cautious about the way you behave around others, as they can get upset easily. You are a wonderful friend and lover, but you should not react negatively to negative remarks from others. You should curb your tendency to become obnoxious or overly attached, because it could lead to your partner taking offense.

People born on October 12 are expressive communicators and are able to express themselves freely. You may feel forced to take a quick decision if your mood swings are high. You may feel that you've accomplished more than you should have and need to run away from jealousy in order to find happiness in the moment.

Oct 12th is a day when people will meet their true love in stable relationships that have structure and justice. If you have a love interest, you may want to give them something sentimental or humorous. You might even want to gift them something practical, like a trinket for the home. You should give them something that reminds them of their strength and belief in the larger scheme. The planet Jupiter rules the sky and the zodiac symbol on October 12, so the gift you give them will have a profound effect on their relationships.

Libra is the sign of those born in October 12. Libras are social and sociable, and they tend to get along with others easily. Although relationships with other people are not particularly deep, Libras are generally able to make good first impressions, and may have a limited circle of close friends. Although Libras can be dramatic but are very likable, they have a lot of humor and are very funny.

People born under the sign of Libra will usually have a sense of duty and love justice. Libras can be romantic, and they are able to make good friends. However, it is possible for them to be very self-indulgent. Libras can be charismatic, but they may have difficulty evaluating their own self-worth. Don't let this stop you from being your best. They may have the right to be sarcastic and fussy, but this is unlikely to affect your happiness.

Your Birthday Horoscope for October 12th will show a dynamic, ambitious, and competitive nature. As you explore new opportunities, you'll likely be attracted to a variety of people, places, and ideas. However, it's a good idea to be flexible and remain flexible, as unexpected events can have a negative impact on your finances. You should take extra precautions to protect your belongings.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Aleister Crowley, Reed Oliver Hunt, Luciano Pavarotti, Jonathan Crombie, Martie Seidel and Hugh Jackman.


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