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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 15

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Venus.

A double dose of Venus with a touch of Mercury and Sun makes for a formidable nature. You are tasteful, expressive and forceful in achieving your goals. You know how to utilise your friends for your needs, without alienating them. This is because people place great faith in your words and know that you have good intentions.

Speaking of intentions... you usually understand the motives of others and can use that to your own financial advantage. Sales and marketing spheres are ideal for your talents.

Early marriage and relationships are indicated.

Be kind to other people When pursuing your goals, be honest and straightforward. Setting goals is an excellent way to motivate yourself. When you are feeling down, remember to think about your dreams. You will be able to achieve all your goals with the right attitude and determination. It is likely that you will have a burning desire to achieve your goals.

October 15th-born people are easygoing and friendly, but they have their own internal boundaries that they do not like to cross. They can get along with most people but can sometimes find it difficult to be intimate. In such a case, it is essential to question and push back on any situation where their boundaries are being crossed. This zodiac sign is light-eyed and has an air element. They are easygoing personalities. They are also prone to being very romantic, but they need to be careful with their love life.

There are some fascinating characteristics in the October 15 Zodiac. Although their zodiac sign suggests they're not very open-minded, they need to assume the role of investigations and curiosity. Without curiosity, they'd be unable to succeed in their lives.

People born October 15th should exercise caution when selecting a partner. Singles should look for someone who is compatible with your zodiac sign. This type of relationship can lead to a very passionate and rewarding union. Those born on this day are usually creative, but can be stubborn, and may alienate others. You might also consider having a romantic relationship with someone who has a different horoscope.

Your lucky colors are white and cream, rose and pink.

Your lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire or quartz crystal.

Your lucky days of the week Friday, Saturday, Wednesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78.

Famous people born on your birthday include Virgil, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, P. G. Wodehouse, C.P. Snow, J.K.Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Evan Hunter, Tanya Roberts, Eric Benet, Vanessa Marcil, Sandra Kim and Natalie Sokolova.


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