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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 17

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Saturn.

Restraint, self-doubt and sometimes cynicism can mar an otherwise great future for you, as Saturn tends to inhibit the bright and open qualities of Venus.

You need to express any unresolved issues of love and closeness that stem from parental involvement as this may resurface during your later relationships and social obligations. It is important for you to air out any grievances or grudges. That sort of stuff is unnecessary baggage which will eventually affect your kidneys and bladder (ruled by Venus)

Graphic and visual arts and even architectural sciences could be a source of expression and fulfillment for you.

The Birthday Horoscope for those born on October 17, in the month of Libra, describes a balanced, creative person with a desire for harmony. This type of person is likely to be romantic and affectionate, but they may have a hard time disciplining their children. Libras born on this day tend to struggle with balancing their friends and family life. Libras born on this day are intuitive and determined, and can prove to be quite challenging if you're a single Libra.

The October 17 horoscope will give you a revealing insight into your relationship. You are both romantic and independent, so it is important to get along well with your partner. This type of person needs to know the other person well, and can make a good friend. The two of you will also need to be able to communicate on all matters, which will help you meet the bigger picture.

People born on this date are free spirits, but they can be a bit rigid if you try to break them of their old habits. Those born on this day will likely need personal freedom and a liberating upbringing. They are likely to be quiet, nerdy and creative, but they can also be rebellious and impulsive. They are intelligent, curious and adventurous regardless of their personality.

As a Libra, you should take care of yourself, taking care of your body, and embracing your quirks. Libras are lucky on the 17th! Avoid situations that make you feel unhappy about yourself. If you're born on this date, you should avoid any situations that make you feel anxious or irritable, as this will only increase your stress levels.

This day's children are extremely industrious, and they have a quick grasp of new skills. They also appreciate good communicators, and they are likely to be very loyal to their family and romantic partner. They may be stubborn and may struggle to express their feelings, but this is often the case with Libras. You should never underestimate your Scorpio's ability to make friends and be a loyal and generous person. This is just the beginning of your amazing personality.

If your birthday falls on October 17, you may feel drawn to the arts, science, and learning. You may be a curious person who enjoys a challenge. Take advantage of today to live a happy life.

Librans are known for being loyal and balanced. However, you must remember that Libra's love life is not one of its strongest qualities. So, if you're born on October 17, don't let your Libra's fickle nature make you too dependent on others.

Your lucky colors are deep blue and black.

Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71.

Famous people born on your birthday include Arthur Miller, Rita Hayworth, Elle Abel, Montgomery Clift, Nathaniel West, Tom Poston, Chris Kirkpatrick, Eminem and Norm Macdonald.


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