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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 26

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Saturn.

Your power of focus is quite remarkable but care should be exercised in not losing sight of the positive in your life as you have a tendency to dwell on the possible failures rather than the successes that are your birthright.

The influence of Saturn, and to a lesser extent Moon and Venus, is not altogether lucky and may result in several disappointments before any real stability emotionally can be experienced. Love will be experienced later than most.

You are fiercely loyal and enjoy the sacrifices you make to family and friends. You must learn the lesson of enjoying your own company and letting go of the past.

The October 26th birthday person is usually passionate, loyal and independent with great determination. They are also often curious. People born on this date are reliable and determined. They are generally well-rounded, enjoy being around others, and can sometimes be hard to relate with.

Scorpios born on October 26 have intense ambition and passion, but they are also calm and collected. Scorpios have high standards and are not satisfied with second-best. They are self-confident and never lose heart. Their success lies in forgiveness. Not only are they forgiving their partners but for them as well. They are often easy to love, despite their inherent qualities.

Scorpios born on October 26 have a deep emotional world that can cause them to idolize their partners early in life and create high expectations for their relationships. But, the upside is that they are also generous and easy to connect with. Scorpios have a great ability to touch hearts and inspire others, but they must remember that no tragic event should close their hearts. They must learn compassion and forgivenness to help heal from emotional trauma.

The characteristics of Scorpios born in October 26th are the same as those who were born there. These people are outgoing, yet have warm personalities. These people are more likely to have many friends, and will be open to forming new relationships. They are loyal, caring and can be difficult to manage and lead.

This date is characterized by a high sense of responsibility. These people can manage a lot of work well but also possess a solid work ethic. They are also prone to becoming involved in causes that benefit humanity. Those born on October 26 are often highly ambitious, but they do have some shortcomings as well. They excel at managing others. Although they are not power-crazed, they are gifted leaders and managers.

Your lucky colors are deep blue and black.

Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71.

Famous people born on your birthday include Mahalia Jackson, Jaclyn Smith, Dylan McDermott, Keith Urban and Sasha Cohen.


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