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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 27

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Mars.

The double energy of Mars and Pluto gives you an indomitable will and persistence that could only describe you as the "blue heeler". You just don't give youjQuery3600237307660791642_1654758044394 Is it any wonder that success can't hide from you?

You have a very direct manner and call a spade a spade. People will always know where they stand with you - even if you are a little blunt at times.

In love, you exude raw passion and take your partners to their physical limits. You enjoy testing your stamina and physical prowess. Any sporting challenge will also find you well at home. Some dangers are evident in your birthdate. Beware of physical injury.

Don't be too aggressive in your manner and your vital nature will lead you to success, especially after age 27.

You were lucky to be born in October 27th. This makes you a successful and optimistic person who is open-minded and willing to take risks. These people have a strong sense of loyalty and can easily relate to others, but they are also highly critical. These people are honest, can hurt easily and have a tendency to be harsh but they make a great team member in many situations.

These people are passionate and ambitious. They also have strong intuition. They also have a high sense of duty and inclination towards the arts. While they can be stubborn and vindictive, they are also able to make good choices and live a full life of love.

Scorpios are attracted to glamour, and they are eager to put in the work to support worthy causes. Scorpios are bold and direct, but they are also sympathetic and possess an innate ability to connect with others. Scorpios are highly emotionally sensitive and have a natural talent for interpersonal interactions. These people are passionate about their cause and often charming.

The birthday of an October 27th is an auspicious one, but there are plenty of other reasons for being happy on this day. Your horoscope is a great way to find out the important things about yourself.

Your lucky colors are red, maroon and scarlet and autumn tones.

Your lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 9, 18, 27, 36. 45, 54, 63, 72.

Famous people born on your birthday include Theodore Roosevelt, Nanette Fabray, Dylan Thomas, John Cleese, Cilly Dartell and Vanessa-Mae.


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