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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 3

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Jupiter.

The incredible vibrations of Jupiter and Venus make you a very lucky person. Unlike most others who struggle for success in this fleeting world, you seem to find things just magically happen. Doors will mysteriously open up for you and offer you a grand future.

There is a side to you, however, that believes you deserve things easily, comfortably. You should never fall into the trap of taking your life and those lucky opportunities for granted. Any apathy in this regard will ruin the benefits you are destined for.

You will be just as lucky in love and may attract wealthy and powerful partners.

You are a positive, adventurous and charming person. Avoid settling down with someone you aren't compatible with. Keep your beliefs, thoughts and inner world intact. You will feel overwhelmed and hold on to your negative beliefs. People born in October are known for their positive qualities, which often reflect the characteristics of their spouses.

People born on October 3 are generally kind and accepting of others. Although they may be indecisive, they are generally good at helping others. These people are great motivators, and they can help you move in any direction. People born in October will do better in sports at communicating with their teammates and avoiding miscommunications. People born on October 3 are more optimistic. They are driven and determined, and don't let small problems get in the way.

People born on this day may be pioneers in science, politics, social reform, and the arts. These people will excel at sharing knowledge with others and making life easier for them. These people are most at home in open-minded environments and with companies that help foreign workers. You will be a successful salesperson or a good teacher if you were born October 3. You will succeed in your career if you are kind.

People born on October 3 are very ambitious. Their family's health is important to them. They often use their surroundings as barometers of the well-being of their family.

These people are social and enjoy spending time with other people. They're also generous and caring. Libras are idealists and make the best of bad situations. They're also quick-witted, and they can analyse situations quickly. This makes them very successful in managing their money. A person who was born in October has a positive career outlook.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Emily Post, Paul Foster Case, Thomas Wolfe, Gore Vidal, Neve Campbell, Alex Ramirez and Gwen Stefani.


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