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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 6

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Venus.

The double vibration of Venus can either lift you or drop you on your head. Why? Because of the sheer idealism inherent in its power. By maintaining a careful schedule and program in life you will be able to realise your wild ambitions.

You dream of love and marriage and need a partner who will absorb themselves completely in your life and all its projects.

Balance, form and color are natural to you, and you will surround yourself with beauty in all forms as a result.

The connection with the 8th house of mystery and intrigues make Venus a seductive energy for you. Many partners, many loves and exciting affairs are to be expected.

This day is often associated with a positive outlook and generous spirit. They enjoy being adventurous and pioneering on several fronts. They can be conflicted, which can lead to small rivalries and arguments. But overall, they lead a happy life. They value beauty and harmony, and will make their choices accordingly.

You may find yourself drawn to building and engineering pursuits, but your love life is likely to be less committed. You may also be drawn to the arts, cooking, and design, which are all highly appealing to your Libra personality traits. Your horoscope for October 6 can be very inspiring, attracting good luck and success to your life.

People born under this day have a highly social personality. These people enjoy being social and generous. However, they are sensitive to imbalance, and do not like being in a situation where everyone is disadvantaged. Libras have a strong Mars/Saturn influence, which gives them a high level of hard-headedness and drive. Libras are social and can make others feel happy. However, they also have the potential to be careless and impulsive.

Your lucky colors are white and cream, rose and pink.

Your lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire or quartz crystal.

Your lucky days of the week Friday, Saturday, Wednesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78.

Famous people born on your birthday include Carole Lombard, Naomi Striemer, Jeremy Sisto and Ioan Gruffudd.


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