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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 7

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Neptune.

You are of the opinion that pure spiritual love will guide you and save you and your kith and kin from the troubles of life. Fine! But keep your mind a little more anchored to the practical realities of the world too! The average human being loves a giver like you. They can take, take and take from you. Then take a little more as well.

Because Neptune rules your 6th Solar House, these naturally compassionate elements of your character can find ample expression in the social, welfare and healing professions - giving you a legitimate channel for your love of giving. And what's more, you'll be paid handsomely for it!

Filming and photography can also be considered as possible avenues for exploration.

Libras born on October 7th are true romantics who seek intense closeness and their destined soul mate. While they may seem to be materialists, they actually have a deep philosophical bent and they are often able to express this in humanitarian activities. However, they can sometimes be insecure in the way they express their feelings and often struggle to find balance in relationships. Libras are known for their generosity and willingness to give.

This day's sun rises at its highest point, which is a sign of power and renewal. However, this energy can be too strong for someone born on this date, so they might not realise it until later in their lives. You may not be able to see how powerful they really are. You should feel happy and fulfilled if you are looking to be bold, but your natural moderate side should not change.

People born on October 7 are very tidy, careful and organized. People born on October 7th are more likely to be meticulous and organized than others. Those born on October 7th should keep their rebellious streak under control. You must show determination and dedication if you are to make a positive impact. You must balance your ideals with your goals and prioritise them.

The people born on this day are known to be ambitious and want to make a difference in the world. This day's people often strive to be leaders, which can help them achieve their social goals. Although October 7th people are often quirky and eccentric, they are also very social and can organize large gatherings with ease. The downside of these people is that they often can be very difficult to communicate with, as their sensitivity and empathy can limit their enjoyment of life.

This day is a good one for people who are creative and smart. People born on this day are creative and inventive. Their ideas to make the world better are an excellent way for them to show their creativity. They may also lose their positive traits and not reap the benefits they desire.

Your lucky colors are the darker green shades

Your lucky gems are turquoise, cats eye chrysoberyl, tigers eye

Your lucky days of the week are Mondays and Thursdays

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79

Famous people born on your birthday include James Whitcomb Riley, Neils Bohr, Helen MacInnes, LeRoi Jones and Toni Braxton.


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