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Astrological Profile for Those Born on September 13

Your Star Sign is Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mercury and Uranus.

Contrary to popular belief, your date of birth is not unlucky, and in fact is quite the opposite. As well as the influence of Uranus, which sometimes causes abrupt changes in life, the planets Sun and Jupiter lend a hand in your case and do offer you substantial assistance by those who can otherwise make things happen for you.

When you say you will do something - you do it. You have a strong sense of purpose and commitment in carrying out your plans. Your powerful, sometimes dogmatic, manner can sometimes alienate you and create some secret enemies, but that will never stop you.

Virgos tend to be hardworking and workaholics so a partner who slows them down may just be what they are looking for.

People born on September 13 are highly intelligent, analytical, and confident people. They are often creative, but they are also highly critical. They are highly successful in all areas of life because they possess these qualities. The traits that make a September 13 birthday person unique include their ability to solve problems and to be persuasive, but they are also likely to be blunt. In other words, if you're born on this day, you'll be an excellent leader or manager.

Your Birth Sign: They are practical and analytical. Virgo, the sign of creativity for those who were born September 13th, can be expected to express themselves in their work. In love, however, they are unfriendly and judgmental.

Your lucky colors are electric blue, electric white and multi-colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week Sunday and Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Arnold Schonberg, Sherwood Anderson, J.B. Priestley, Claudette Colbert, Roald Dahl, Mel Torme, Robert Indiana, Goran Ivanisevic, Fiona Apple, Whitney Costner and Roger Howarth.


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