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Astrological Profile for Those Born on September 8

Your Star Sign is Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mercury and Saturn.

Love and satisfaction in relationships may not always come easily but this is no reason to become cynical about marriage and affairs of the heart. You will learn the lessons of love through the action of Saturn, the tester and inhibitor. As a result of your Karma, you may indeed have to be patient until the right person comes along.

You are capable of handling money and are very resourceful even if you don't have a lot of money. You will soon put an end to that though because of your strong ambitions. Plough through life like a steamer through the ice.

People born on this day are generally idealists and can excel in the arts. They also have good intentions and tend to think outside the box.

They are pragmatic, rational, caring, and compassionate. They tend to act quickly and make their goals without giving up easily. They also tend to be very passionate and well-grounded. They have less patience with "no".

People born on this day are usually groomed to enter the family business. Their parents may not understand what they want and force them to defend their dreams. They have few money issues, but they may have unfounded doubts about their own capabilities. A September 8 native may look at the world from a spiritual perspective but they do not have to live in luxury. They can instead use their intelligence to improve the world.

People born on September 8 have the potential for extreme success and power. They will be able to accomplish their goals because of their energy and dedication. They may experience a major turning point in their lives and find their passion and purpose in life. Their love lives will likely progress quickly. People born on September 8 are compatible with those born on the first and the second. The September 8th birthday is an excellent time to begin new projects or goals.

Your lucky colors are deep blue and black.

Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71.

Famous people born on your birthday include Jimmie Rodgers, Sid Caesar, Peter Sellers, Patsy Cline, David Arquette and Jonathan Taylor Thomas.


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