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Planetary Karmic Insights


Planetary Karmic Insights explained…

How will multiple retrograde planets affect you now?

Hi there, this is a quick note to let you know that there are some powerful planetary transits going on right now. You can feel a kind of acceleration taking place, a quickening of science and spirit. But unfortunately, polarisation is also taking place and you see it everywhere: in ideologies, news, politics, education, philosophy and the social sciences. The great division intensifies however, it’s important you don’t get sucked in. To do that you must empower yourself and be clear on who you are and what you want in your life. There’s absolutely no point to all the astrological jargon if you can’t actually use it to do anything practical about your problems.

Every year you read about blood moons, planetary alignments and lunar and solar eclipses with all the grand predictions that amazing things are going to happen and yet, right now…

You probably feel as if you’re still wading through the same BS without any light in sight. You don’t have to really.

Take for example retrograde Mercury, which most people know about. The same blanket predictions are given for everyone when in fact, retrograde Mercury is an excellent transit for some.

I have something special to share with you..

You could call it an amazing secret but it’s really all about understanding the language of the stars and how to use those vibrations to your advantage. This wisdom was handed down to me via Vedic astrology initiations throughout my 23-year discipline and study. Part of this relates to dealing with retrograde planets. And especially now when, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Mercury are all retrograde. That can mess with you for sure. Such a large number of retrograde planets covers a large chunk of the zodiac, meaning: you’re more than likely experiencing the full impact of this in your life at this very moment! How’s it working for you?

Did you know that there are in fact remedial measures that can be used to neutralize the influence of these powerful retrograde forces on you? 

This isn’t for everyone but for those of you interested enough to learn these mysteries handed down to me by my mentors – let me introduce you to something new. I’m fortunate to have been initiated into the extraordinary study of astrology and Tantra which is the ancient tradition of understanding how to work in harmony with the forces of nature and destiny. I’m more than happy to work with and share with you how to turn this phase of stagnation or even “bad luck” completely around.

It’s not rocket science, but rather, esoteric in nature and the results can be quite uncanny. Learning the enigmatic language of the planets, their seed syllables, sounds, mantras and ritual technologies is the key to counteracting these powerful forces and have been well-guarded by astrological savants for centuries. No more. This sacred information should be shared with everyone who is sincere enough to want to learn about.

First big hint: your BREATH. 

Pay attention to it. Observe the exchange of breath from one nostril to the other every two hours or so. These two hourly changeovers correspond to the signs of the zodiac rising on the horizon in approximately the same time intervals.

This balancing of your left and right nostrils relates directly to the left and right hemispheres of your brain. By simply observing your breath and listening to its sound, focus on these planetary signals. You’ll align yourself perfectly with the greater celestial environment.

This is exercise is the first key to living your life intuitively.

Contact me here if you’d like some direct guidance on this. I’ll work with you as I have with thousands and thousands of others before you to bring balance back into your life.

Email me here if you’d like to know more.

Best wishes,

Dadhichi Toth


Dadhichi Toth

How will Uranus, the Disruptor in Taurus, affect your star sign?


How will Uranus the Disruptor in Taurus, affect your star sign in the coming months and years?

The buzz around astrological and news circles right now is Uranus in Taurus. Over the past 20 years our lives have been radically reshaped by the digital and information revolution. There was music which transitioned from vinyl, to CD and then to MP3 and other digital formats. Books and publishing have also seen a radical upheaval with avid readers now getting much of their reading material online. Just recently bitcoin and the new block chain technology are looking like revolutionizing banking and the transmission of sensitive information through cutting-edge encryption methodologies.
In all these disruptive technologies we see the disruptive power of Uranus and how it is continuing to affect all of us on a global level at such an incredibly fast pace. But what about its impact on us individually? Disruptive technologies don’t only impact our music, banking, reading and other day-to-day practical aspects of living. If we look at the action of Uranus, we see that its main function is the breaking down of barriers, concepts and perspectives. It is a revolutionary planet and shakes things up, big time. It can truly be called the Disruptor.

Recently Uranus has made its most important transit for some years as it enters the earth sign of Taurus. As a general trend, we will see a continuing upheaval and disruption of all the things that Taurus sign stands for. Mostly this has to do with banking, finance, material concerns and general safety and security.

For each of the 12 star signs, this disruptive influence will affect a specific department of life and following are some of the general effects that you can expect:

♈Aries with Uranus transiting Taurus

How will Uranus, the Disruptor in Taurus, affect your star sign?For you Aries, the transit of Uranus into your second house of finance and material values is an important one. The wisdom that comes with this transit may shock yet at the same time endows you with new tools which you can cleverly employ in the use of identifying new streams of income.

Progressive and technological elements of banking and crypto currency may be of interest to you during this very unique cycle. This involves research, study and a questioning which means maintaining an open mind to receive the information that will help you move forward.

As Uranus is disruptive you must be prepared to change course in terms of the way you earn money. If you become habituated to a specific stream of income or a way of doing things in the way you earn cash, you’ll find it necessary now to step out of your usual approach. You will meet new people who are more than happy to instruct you in novel ways of increasing cash flow. This in turn, if you are careful with expenditure, will result in better savings and of course, a much more secure future for you.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♉Taurus with Uranus transiting your own Sun sign of Taurus

Transiting your Sun sign means that for you Taurus, the electric emissions of Uranus are going to be felt very noticeably in your personality and the way you present yourself to the world. You may have come to a point where your self-image was stuck in the past but now realise that it has to be upgraded to reflect who you are at this time. That’s not always an easy thing because it’s only natural to become attached to the idea we have of ourselves. Real change can only happen when we are prepared to adjust ourselves to current circumstances and allow the lessons of life to modify our character.

By its opposite action, your personal relationships are going to be impacted very strongly as well, and because you are changing and adopting new ways of dealing with people and life as a whole, your partner, spouse and perhaps even your business partners, will find the changes they see in you a little daunting.

When changes occur in a relationship to one person, changes are necessitated in the other. This is all about adaptability and of course if things happen too quickly these adjustments may not be accepted all that easily. You need to be patient, understanding and compassionate in expecting others to change at the rate that you have been.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♊Gemini with Uranus transiting Taurus

How will Uranus, the Disruptor in Taurus, affect your star sign?Activating your 12th house by its transit Uranus brings a floodlight of insight into your past. The errors you’ve made historically have shaped you into becoming who you are now. Try to accept that and see the upside of it. The job of Uranus is to eliminate any false notions you have about yourself and the world as a whole so that you have an opportunity to use the past in a constructive way. Rather than dwelling on what would have, could have or should have been, you are now able to accept yourself in a far greater way. This self-acceptance is a very powerful statement to the world and will result in others accepting you as well.

There are elements of charity and hospitality associated with this part of your horoscope and therefore you could find yourself in a situation where helping others is not only requested of you but actively sought by you as a deep inner and spiritual need now.

You’ll find yourself amongst people who are disadvantaged, needing help and you’ll find yourself in the right place at the right time to give them whatever modest help you can. This is not always necessarily related to financial and material assistance but can even be comforting words, attentive hearing and that open heart to their plight.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♋Cancer with Uranus transiting Taurus

Your 11th house of friendships is dramatically being influenced now by the movement of Uranus in your horoscope Friendships are vitally important to social and emotional stability. Under the recent entry of Uranus into your 11th house of friendships expect this area of your life to be somewhat unsettled. Don’t look at this in a negative light, but rather see it as an opportunity to weed out those individuals in your social circle who no longer serve any useful purpose to your growth and spiritual advancement.

You may find that the circumstances surrounding your sphere of social influence will change dramatically over the coming weeks, months and even years. The transit of Uranus is a slow one and is marked by progressive change and sometimes abrupt shifts in your perception of others and their perceptions and opinions of you.

What Uranus is saying to you now Cancer is: it’s time to expand your circle of influence, meet new people and not be afraid to tread over that imaginary line you’ve drawn in terms of the types of people you wish to have in your life. Younger individuals, people with a social conscience and humanitarian objectives will also be a new and refreshing addition to your new peer group. Explore what’s on offer.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♌Leo with Uranus transiting Taurus

How will Uranus, the Disruptor in Taurus, affect your star sign?Work is now set to explode with unusual circumstances emerging and incredible opportunities presenting themselves. For those of you born under the sign of Leo, it’s vitally important to maintaining your self-esteem by showing the world what you’re capable of. If you’re ready for the huge rollercoaster ride coming in your professional sphere, you might welcome the presence of Uranus in your 10th house of professional activities, because is going to be here for the next few years. It just entered into this significant part of your horoscope and is in fact considered the most important sector next to your rising sign or Sun sign.

You’re asked to radically modify your view of work, the way you approach your responsibilities and also the manner in which you interact with those you’ve been working with and for. Expect changes in the structure of the management to which you may be answerable. Unforeseen corporate changes like to takeovers, new boards of directors or even market forces can come to bear upon your established view of your work and professional environment.

Uranus is progressive in every respect and is often associated with new technologies and the way in which you approach your work. This means you may transition, if not into a completely new line of work, at least imbibing new technologies to improve and expand your professional skill sets. For some of you this heralds the beginning of a new study cycle where you take yourself back into educational activities to uplift your capacity and marketability in the workplace. You are thirsty for knowledge now.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♍Virgo with Uranus transiting Taurus

How will Uranus, the Disruptor in Taurus, affect your star sign?Philosophies sometimes need a shakeup and right now as Uranus transits your ninth house of higher values, you’ll find yourself tapping into the inner recesses of your creative consciousness. You’ll be following your dreams during this cycle however, not based upon anyone else’s belief systems. You want to independently think things through for yourself and Uranus will certainly help you do that. You’d rather discover solutions and come up with new concepts for yourself and even if there are some challenges, you’re up to it and now have an intuitive sense of how you must live your life. This can be a period where previously outworn philosophies are jettisoned.

This will shortly spur you want to investigating unusual cultural trends or countries. Travels may be taken at the drop of a hat in those places you embark upon to experience will bring you not only worldly but also spiritual experiences. You will feel as if you’ve had some connection with these foreign or unusual places but for the most part the experiences will revolutionize your perception of everything. You will bring back a wealth of understanding which you will implement in your day-to-day life.

At the ninth house is the zone of past karma, you can expect the unexpected in terms of your past deeds coming to fruition now. If you did good deeds you can look forward to great things happening but if not, then there may be some reversals as life’s “payback”.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♎Libra with Uranus transiting Taurus

What you are about to experience in your life will radically transform you and how you perceive yourself. Uranus brings its harsh but at the same time illuminating wisdom to your eighth house now.

Libra, the mysterious eighth house of your horoscope is being fully impacted upon by the transit of Uranus into your eighth house. This is one of the most difficult areas of the horoscope to interpret but if you’re open to change, even incredible transformation now, the transit of Uranus over the next six or seven years will deliver you from many of the unconscious shackles and psychological complexes which have held you back in life. This applies particularly to any sort of relationships that have been difficult to understand or problems that you’ve not been able to work through all that easily.

With this progressive energy influencing this area of your life, its well worth mentioning the impact it will have on your sexual affairs. This eighth house is the most pertinent one relating to intimacy and therefore you and your partner will be willing to try new avenues of exploring how your sexuality can deepen your level of intimacy. It also has to do with the money you share and therefore there could indicate changes in the understanding of whose responsibility the bills, payments and other investments may be.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♏Scorpio with Uranus transiting Taurus

Under the transit of Uranus into your seventh house of marriage and significant relationships this period of your life will be punctuated by Saturn. What can be expected are shifts in attitude – both of yours and your partner? If for some reason you’ve been married for a long time and not seeing eye to eye, you may be shocked to find that the circumstances are going to become explosive and may even separate you from each other in an untimely manner. Read the signals and take the appropriate action.

Study your partner’s responses and read between the lines where you can. What may be missing here are the subtle non-verbal cues that give you incredible insights into what’s really happening in your relationship. If you and your partner have been stubborn in addressing these issues, Uranus will by force cause you to confront what’s going on so that you either rectify the situation or call it quits.

You have an ability to seek out new people for business relationships and to generally connect on a level that may not have happened previously. You are interested in those who have an avant-garde attitude to life and who will open your eyes and broaden your knowledge of the alternative possibilities relating to the psychology of work, family and friendship.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♐Sagittarius with Uranus transiting Taurus

As Uranus transits your sixth house of work and daily routine, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with these changes. Scientific knowledge used to double every eight years but is now doubling at an ever faster pace and keeping up with that is challenge for sure. You may decide to throw the towel in at work and move somewhere completely different. Frustrations may have been building and you see this as an appropriate time to take a gamble, a risky one at that, to pursue something that is more in keeping with what you feel is your life’s work.

In your work environment people can become unruly so you will find yourself at odds with them. Your ideas are progressive but possibly to progressive for those who have become stuck in the past and their non-productive way of doing things. This may not work for you anymore.

On the health note, unexpected inflammation, discomfort and health problems which may arise and this can be directly or indirectly related to the work issues stated above or environment in which you conduct your business. For this reason, Uranus will demand that you make the appropriate changes in your life to improve your peace of mind and physical well-being as well. Uranus also rules your nerves so you need to find some activities that can pacify your high strung nature.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♑Capricorn with Uranus transiting Taurus

You are particularly open to novel and new methods of expressing yourself creatively. This abrupt shift in attitude can be accounted for by this most dramatic and rare transit of Uranus in your fifth house. This area of your horoscope relates to creativity, children and to some extent your spiritual mindset. It also relates very specifically to your future karma and what you can expect in terms of the karmic balance sheet to date.

The next few years will be hard to predict for you and that is why you need a more tried and tested program against which the balance these rather unexpected changes that will emerge. Having a good plan which is usually your forte is even more important during this exciting transit. Under these transits however having a plan may not be enough. You may need a backup just in case things go pear-shaped.

As Uranus is unexpected in its results, it may leave you guessing as to what will happen but certainly you’ll be feeling an almost electric surge of creative impulses beckoning you to express and share them with the appropriate people. You need to connect yourself with others who are sympathetic to your brand-new ideas and if you are currently in a situation which is stale and in which people are non-responsive to your progressive mindset; you will start to feel the frustration building to unmanageable proportions. In short, this is a time of incredible change in your life and relationships especially with younger people and children.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♒Aquarius with Uranus transiting Taurus

Your domestic circumstances may suffer from uncertainty now as your primary ruling planet Uranus transits your fourth house. The people you live with, relatives and more importantly your mother or the females within your clan may start acting in unusual and unpredictable ways. This will surely keep you on your toes but will also disturb your own inner peace of mind.

There’s no point burying your head in the sand if the lines of communication have become frayed on the domestic scene. This is a call to action, to get the family to the roundtable of discussion and to ratify what is expected of each member of the group. The voices of divisiveness must be curbed or there can be complete anarchy within the family or even in your workplace with transits of this nature, especially when other planets enter into play.

Real estate issues, other fixed assets and your residential circumstances generally may be in for a massive shakeup under this planets extraordinary transit in this area of your horoscope. The most important thing is to keep a level head, maintain peace and be diplomatic in all of your negotiations even if this in itself is a major challenge. Try to avoid any sort of radical speculation especially if it involves real estate.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!

♓Pisces with Uranus transiting Taurus

The way in which you communicate is now ready to be overhauled. You could call this a major upgrade to version 2.0 of yourself. The transit of Uranus in your third house of communication, thinking, siblings and your immediate environment is very telling and over the next six or seven years will transform all of these areas within your life.

Negotiations of any sort may come to an abrupt halt and you’ll have to somehow clarify and renegotiate the terms and conditions. At first this will seem like a major pain in the proverbial backside, however, you’ll quickly start to realise as time proceeds that this is the best thing that could have happened. Had you proceeded along the original lines, you may have been in for not only a rude shock but financial losses as well as loss of face. From this you can see that sometimes the seeds of great opportunity arise out of adversity.

Journeys may occur unexpectedly but won’t necessarily be unprofitable or unfulfilling. The onus is on you to welcome these unanticipated trips and explore what’s on offer by life. Embracing what’s coming will open you up to new relationships, fresh circumstances and a whole new view on life generally.

The transit of Uranus into Taurus will bring significant changes in your life. Are you prepared to meet these challenges head on? These reports designed especially for you will provide you the insight needed to use the disruptive energy of Uranus wisely. CLICK HERE for your three report special NOW!


About The author, Dadhichi Toth

Dadhichi Toth is an astrologer and founder and CEO of With over 35 years astrological study, practice and research, he is sought after internationally to advise business people, political figures entertainment stars and people from all walks of life on how to use astrology as a means of self-empowerment. He can be contacted at [email protected]

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The significance of Mother’s Day


Most cultures place a great deal of importance on Mother’s Day and so they should. A mother conceives, undergoes pregnancy, endures painful birth and then unconditionally loves her child throughout infancy, childhood and into adulthood. She tries to instill in the child the qualities and skills that will give the infant the ability to deal with the world and act in a responsible manner, independently carving their own way through life eventually.

The significance of Mother’s DayIt is these qualities of motherhood however that elevate this day once a year, to a whole new spiritual platform. Those qualities of selfless love, unconditional giving, nurturing, compassion and empathy are totally aligned with the spiritual ideal. It seems as if mothers have a natural instinct in keeping with this spiritual objective. There are many types of love in the world but I think we would all agree that the selfless quality of motherhood which is far beyond any of the typical give-and-take relationships we see elsewhere in life.

Along with the first, seventh and tenth houses of the horoscope, the fourth house represents one’s mother and is one of the cornerstones of the horoscope. The signifying ruler of this fourth house is the Moon which is also representative of one’s mind and the link, although not immediately obvious, make sense when you realise that the formative years of our lives and how our minds develop are indeed mainly attributed to the quality of the relationship we have with our mothers. Loving, and secure childhoods result in well-adjusted individuals and vice versa. The mother is the foundation believe that of the development of the child so no wonder this fourth house of the horoscope has been given so much importance by astrologers.

The quality of nurturing we see in the ideal mother is not limited to the relationship of mother and child. This quality the supposedly what we must all imbibe if we are truly on a spiritual path. Those pangs we feel when we see someone underprivileged or helpless is that very same compassion and love given to us by our mothers. So the role of mother is not limited to the female of our species but is rather the stage of development we must all attain whether male or female.

In these modern times what is needed is this quality of nurturing empathy for others. This sensitivity seems to be lacking now and is quickly deteriorating into a narcissistic epidemic sweeping across the planet. Sense of self and the ego is paramount with this consideration of others falling by the wayside. Restoring these human emotions of love and care is the more substantial meaning of Mother’s Day. But this is sometimes not possible, even obvious when looking at the fourth house to see exactly what influences are there shaping the mind and hearts of youngsters.

When Mars and Saturn influence the fourth house, and to a lesser extent the Sun and nodes, children have a difficult childhood and may even be subject to abuse. I have many horoscopes in my collection with this combination and quite a few of these individuals are adopted. Even though they may be brought up in wonderful, loving families the sense of separation has a marked influence on their psychological development and from that vantage point we can see just how important a mother’s love is.

Being compassionate has its downside however. To be compassionate means to be vulnerable. Being open and giving means that there is always the possibility that you are going to be hurt or rejected. There’s never a guarantee that when a mother raises her children, giving them complete and unconditional love, that they won’t leave, never to return. But that isn’t usually the focus of a mother’s love. The mother loves without thought of return.

This Mother’s Day, the above theme should be kept in mind and yes, honoring one’s mother is obviously in order, but the true honour and respect is to imbibe these qualities and pass it forward.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.!


Astrology and Parenting

Children of the Zodiac



Astrology in Different Cultures


When things go wrong in your life, you might reckon that it could be because of the bad choices you make. But when random things happen to you without you lifting any finger, then you think there might be mysterious forces in the universe that conspired to make them happen.

This, perhaps, is the simplest way to describe what astrology refers to. But in reality, astrology is an interestingly complex subject that also influences cultural groups in many different ways.

In this post, we’ll take a look at astrology as practiced in three different cultures around the world.

Astrology in Different Cultures

Western Astrology

For those in Western countries, this is probably the most popular form of astrology, as you can read it in horoscopes published in newspapers and magazine columns. Its focus is on sun signs, which gives it a rather tip-of-the-iceberg nature since it only represents a small fraction of the full astrology chart.

Historically, Western astrology goes as far back as 2300 BC, starting in ancient Mesopotamia and making its way into ancient Greece around 600 BC. However, it was during the period of Hellenistic culture when the study, development, and acceptance of astrology became widespread with the concepts of horoscopes and zodiacs, as we know them today, being introduced at the time.

Core Principles

The central principle of Western astrology is integration within the cosmos. To help you better understand it, you need to be familiar with the other core principles and main terminologies associated with Western astrology.

  • The individual, Earth, and its environment represent a single organism with parts that are correlated with each other.
  • When an individual and the Earth undergo cycles of change, you can expect that the same cycles of change are observed in the heavens as well. This is the idea that the maxim “as above so below” expresses.
  • The sun, moon, and planets journey across the sky through a band of constellations called the zodiac.
  • The zodiac has 12 signs representing the same number of constellations through which the sun passes for the whole duration of the year. Each of these 12 signs corresponds to a basic personality type based on what elements (fire, earth, air, and water) and modes (cardinal, fixed, and mutable) comprise them.

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac

Astrology in Different Cultures

Looking at the chart below, you will see that the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into a corresponding house, with Aries in the first house, and ruling planets to determine its energy.

Astrology in Different Cultures

Image source:

In a nutshell, Western astrology can help you identify a sign by understanding the house, planet, god, element, mode, and polarity associated with it. Thus, you would come across personality tests that are based on astrological symbols and the meanings they represent.

Chinese Astrology

We all know China as the birthplace of some of the most popular schools of thought such as Confucianism and Taoism, but did you know that astrology is also one of its major contributions to mankind?

Chinese astrology is based on and tied to astronomy—the study of the positions, motions, and properties of objects in the universe, which flourished during the Han Dynasty.

Aside from being closely related to Chinese philosophy, Chinese astrology also takes a lot of elements such as traditional Chinese astronomy and calendars which are concepts not found in Western astrology—making it a very comprehensive form of astrology.

Core Principles

  • The theory of the harmony between heaven, earth, and water is the guiding principle behind Chinese astrology. It is also based on the principles of yin and yang, the complementary forces in nature, and other concepts not found in Western astrology such as the lunisolar calendar.
  • Chinese astrology takes into account the position of the major planets, sun, moon, and comets at the time one is born, as well as the zodiac sign to determine that person’s destiny. Modern-day Chinese astrology also believes in computing a person’s fate based on birthday, birth season, and birth hours.
  • The Chinese lunar (also called lunisolar) calendar is a major component of Chinese astrology. The start of each lunar year depends on the cycles of the moon’s phases, which is in contrast to the solar calendar being used in the West whose annual cycles are based only directly upon the solar year.
  • The Chinese zodiac follows a 12-year lunar cycle, with the year in which you were born determines your sign.
  • Each sign is represented by one of 12 animals, which is believed to be chosen by Buddha to honor them for visiting him just before he died. Each sign is also assigned a set of attributes based on the nature of their animal counterpart.

Each of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac appears in the Chinese calendar in a cycle of 12 years following this order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

Zodiac Animals

Image source:

Thanks to the influence of Chinese astrology, the calendar was invented to help people organize their life and establish laws that are in harmony with the world.

The Chinese zodiac is also significant since the signs have helped the Chinese mark or date years according to the 12-cycle period being followed in the Chinese calendar.

Vedic Astrology

Do you believe in the saying “What goes around comes around?” Such is the essence of karma or the belief that whatever you do, whether good or bad, comes back to you.

The subject of karma also implies that what you do is based on your motive or intention, with corresponding repercussions or outcomes, of course.

Whether or not you believe in karma, it’s one of the elements that heavily influence Indian or Vedic astrology, which is a popular concept in the modern age.

Vedic astrology is an astrological system that was developed in India 4000 to 6000 years ago and follows the principles and practice of the Hindu religion. Also known as Jyotisa, which translates to “light,” Vedic astrology focuses on astral patterns of light and how those patterns influence the destiny or Dharma of humans.

Like Western astrology, Vedic astrology uses the 12 signs of the zodiac, although the two differ in the way their calendars relate to the signs.

Core Principles

  • Vedic culture views nature with three primary attributes and humans with four legitimate motivations.

    Attribute 1: Rajas – pertains to passion and activity

    Attribute 2: Tamas – pertains to darkness and chaos

    Attribute 3: Sattva – pertains to harmony and goodness

    Motivation 1: Dharma – the performance of meaningful work

    Motivation 2: Artha – the acquisition of wealth and material security

    Motivation 3: Kama – the desire for emotional and sensual enjoyment

    Motivation 4: Moksha – spiritual liberation and enlightenment

  • The Indian philosophy asserts that the three attributes in nature exist in everyone and everything, but in different proportions and contexts.

    Human beings and living things are said to be the sum of all these three qualities.

  • There’s a hierarchy of life goals in Vedic science such that the first three motivations can never supersede the fourth one, meaning a life with no spiritual liberation is considered to be insignificant no matter how successful, wealthy, or happy you are.

    An honorable life in Vedic astrological tradition is one that’s based on the doctrine of karma.

The 12 Signs of the Zodiac Based on Their Attributes and Motivations

Zodiac Attributes

While other forms of astrology are often dismissed as pseudoscience, Vedic astrology is hailed to maintain a “scientific” prevalence in modern India.

Many Indians take astrological advice at face value. In fact, some Indian universities offer advanced degrees in astrology.

Although the credibility of astrology, in general, is still up for debate, there’s no doubt that astrology holds an important place in certain cultures all over the world. Learning about the relevance of astrology to different cultures allows us to keep an open mind and gain a better understanding of our interconnectedness with the universe – and with one another.

2418954About Dadhichi Toth, the author.

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology. He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

He can be contacted on [email protected]

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton In Love


Donald Trump Falls in Love with Hillary Clinton: A Hypothetical Astrological Study
by Dadhichi Toth, the Irreverent Astrologer


Both arch rivals on the political front and in the trenches of warfare for the presidency of the United States in 2016, it’s interesting to see what might have been had Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton thrown down their word-weapons, high fived and made up. No, better still, passionately embraced with a tender French kiss and then made hot, frenzied love in the bedroom. Naturally that would mean erasing their past as political foes. And speaking of the past, going back even further, what a curiosity to rewind the clock back to say, their college days to hypothetically see what might have happened had Donald and Hillary actually fallen in love.

It’s hard to imagine them as a power celebrity couple in the vein of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, AKA Branjelina. Had their theoretical love affair taken off, destiny would have been weirdly different. Instead of Branjelina we’d be reading headlines with the alternative most talked about name in tabloid gossip – Dillary. Well, as famous American baseball player Yogi Berra’s used to say: the future ‘aint what it used to be!

You can imagine them in the throes of passionate horizontal dancing exchanging notes on her lost emails and his supposedly surreptitious photograph: a shot of him dressed as a Cossack on one of his secret undercover missions to the Kremlin, papaha ( Russian hat ) in hand, petitioning Vladimir Putin for campaign funds. The only way either of them could possibly extract the truth out of each other over the long drawn-out tit-for-tat news headlines is sex. Dillary sex that is. Or perhaps under these new heights of sensual imagination a more appropriate name would be Hump? Who’s you papaha now Hillary?

Of course, this is all conjecture so really, what do their horoscopes say? Would there have been a possibility for these two to click? Let’s take a look at the key factors which make up a successful relationship, especially a sexually intimate one according to astrology. How compatible would Donald and Hillary have been romantically? Would the Dillary glam couple survive and surpass the Branjelina phenonemon? Let’s see!

It’s hard to imagine them as a power celebrity couple in the vein of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, AKA Branjelina. Had their theoretical love affair taken off, destiny would have been weirdly different. Instead of Branjelina we’d be reading headlines with the alternative most talked about name in tabloid gossip – Dillary. Well, as famous American baseball player Yogi Berra’s used to say: the future ‘aint what it used to be!

Donald TrumpHilary Clinton

To find out about your romantic prospects check out your astrology love and compatibility here

Sex. Nasty sex.

Although there’s more to a relationship than sex, it’s pretty important you’d have to agree. The eighth house of the horoscope indicates how couples interact sexually. The natural rulers of the eighth house of the Zodiac are Mars and Pluto and here we see an extraordinary combination with Hillary’s Mars, Pluto and Saturn near Donald’s Mars and Pluto. There’s only one way this sexual relationship’s going to work – and that’s with loads of leather, whips, bondage and reciprocal pain. You can hear the yelps from here.

HILLARY-TRUMP-ERRATIC-LOVEWe mustn’t forget the quaint little Kubrickian Eyes-Wide-Shut masks – the perfect little cherry to top off their Humpy buckskin fashion statement. I suspect this power couple, both having deep longings to dominate others would need to share their BDSM love trysts in an equally passionate measure. Being politicians they’d make use of their exceptional diplomatic scheduling as well. What an ideal opportunity to beat the shit out of each other on alternative nights. Now that’s what you call a mutual relationship based on agony.

Judging from this combination their sexual pleasure would come less from sex rather than tearing the flesh off each other, along with other really nasty pastimes. Scorpio is Hillary’s ascendant and with that secretive, nippy sign ruling Donald’s fourth house of hearth and home you can only start to imagine the dark and dingy basement where twilight sex frolics might take place. This would be more like a musty smelling dungeon than anything else. Dangling chains from the damp ceiling, colourful rainbow ropes, handcuffs, slavery tape, self-adhering strapping, knives and dental toolsets neatly, almost obsessively laid out on a spotless, stainless steel surgical bench with all sorts of other groovy tools of pain to delectably inflict upon each other. Perhaps Stanley Kubrick cast the wrong couple when he did Eyes Wide Shut. You can see how Donald and Hillary may well have replaced Tom and Nicole. They wouldn’t have even had to act out their fantasies. Kubrik could have simply rolled the camera and presto, a blockbuster movie to outshine even the lustiest Kim Kardashian YouTube encounter.

This would be more like a musty smelling dungeon than anything else. Dangling chains from the damp ceiling, colourful rainbow ropes, handcuffs, slavery tape, self-adhering strapping, knives and dental toolsets neatly, almost obsessively laid out on a spotless, stainless steel surgical bench with all sorts of other groovy tools of pain to delectably inflict upon each other.

Emotions we all thought they didn’t have

Donald and HilaryFigure 3 shows the dual horoscope wheel with the Moon in the fifth house of Donald’s love affairs. This is where we get into the emotional compatibility. Hillary’s Moon sits at an almost perfect square to his Moon while also becoming unhinged in its square to retrograde Uranus. Dear God, what an erratic combo! Yes, apart from the erotic, this one’s totally erratic.  What’s more, her Uranus also deranges Donald’s Moon by direct opposition, and closely at that. This doesn’t make for a particularly stable emotional life and the Moon which rules general daily affairs will create pretty extreme outbursts from both. Think Trump-Clinton debates playing out over and over again ad nauseam in Groundhog Day fashion as their emotional life together.

Uranus is well known as the planet precipitating unexpected ups and downs. Looks like a big black mark against the dynamic Dillary duo, emotionally speaking.

Donald’s Uranus is in quincunx to Hillary’s ascendant and to a close degree, and the North node isn’t far off either. Hillary’s Uranus looks like it decided to repay Donald with interest by sextiling his ascendant and Mars. Talk about a pyrotechnics relationship! But then again, that’s the malicious and vindictive Scorpio in Hillary coming out. Tinder on a hot summer’s day waiting to be ignited. There would never be a dull moment in the Hump relationship. But then again, with these astrological combinations, there’d never be any peace either.


By far however most important thing in a relationship is communication because without that you pretty much have nothing. Mercury is the predominant planet of communication. In Donald’s horoscope the co-ruler of his marital house Saturn is located on the 12th house of secrets. Usually, this means that your partner or lover will ultimately become your secret enemy. Perhaps you wouldn’t have to worry about the CIA taking out Donald on contract because you’d no without a doubt that ruthless Hillary would be ready to do the job for free from right there under the sheets in the bedroom. She may be married to him but why let an institution get on the road of a little murderous fun right?

Donald’s Mercury is in the sign of Cancer, a movable sign indicating his changeable mental state and how easily his emotions, especially his anger, rise to the surface and come into play. On the other hand, Hillary has Mercury in the secretive and vindictive sign of Scorpio. Although trining each other’s star signs for Mercury, the orb of influence is a little wide. Have they been a little closer, they’d probably negotiate a pretty good contract in which their marriage would allow them the benefits of any other normal conjugal couple without the necessity to actually talk to each other. Hilary would be scathing in her attacks and relentless in her detective-like interrogations which Scorpio is notorious for. Furthermore, with Hilary’s Mercury in conjunction with Venus in Scorpio she would learn to become adept at reading beautiful poetry while she tortured poor Donald.

There is hope yet if Hillary can somehow develop a taste for Twitter, who knows, the two might just start to have a decent sort of relationship based on meaningful tweets. Donald can’t help himself and let the cat out of the bag about what they see going on between him and Hillary. Check out some of his latest tweets. If you thought his love affair with Kim Jong-un was intense take a look at these:

Donald J Hump


Hillary, where’s the f&*$ing leather whip?

I’ve been looking everywhere for it. You used

it on me last night remember?

You can tell he’s trying to develop better communication with Hillary and sharpening his lovemaking techniques but it all seems to keep coming back to sex. As an example, look at his tweet regarding Al Franken:

Donald J Hump


The Al Frankenstein picture is really bad,

speaks a thousand words. Where do his

hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 while

she sleeps?

Hilary would be scathing in her attacks and relentless in her detective-like interrogations which Scorpio is notorious for. Furthermore, with Hilary’s Mercury in conjunction with Venus in Scorpio she would learn to become adept at reading beautiful poetry while she tortured poor Donald.


The intense conjunction of Pluto and Mars in Hillary’s professional sector making a right angle to Donald’s rising Pluto it means they would both be constantly vying for attention and taking centre stage in any social setting. Talk about a relationship of one-upmanship. This would be a case of perpetual undercurrents of non-verbal tension between the two. Can you imagine them even sparing any time for each other with obsessive workaholism at the heart of their personalities? There’s always a diplomatic cocktail party of course.

Wait, isn’t there any redeeming astrological feature whatsoever between these two? Are Donald and Hillary, destined for the trash heap like millions of other couples who comprise the 50% plus in the divorce courts? For a moment we had such high expectations of the Dillary-Hump relationship only to find it now deprecated to Hillary-Dump status by astrology! You could perhaps look at the concessional sextile of Hillary’s Neptune to Donald’s Moon which reflects their wildest imagination at the heart of this relationship but that would probably only further fuel the BDSM signature of this unlikely pair and nothing else.

Having her scorpion pincers manicured every so often also doesn’t hurt and makes her less likely to at least appear not to nip too hard. If he could only shut his mouth this power couple would probably do well in social circles but Donald would have to stay on his leash to make any sort of impression.

Venus is the planet relating to social activities and in Donald’s chart is in the 12th house while Hillary’s Venus is in her rising sign. Donald’s 12th house position doesn’t make it easy for him to be too easily liked by the general public and his bombastic, ascending Mars in Leo pushes people away with his divine-right-of-kings attitude ( now you know why he loves all the gold trimmings: must be a throwback to James VI of Scotland who wrote the texts to deify a king ). Hillary has a little more charm and grace with Venus and Mercury in conjunction. Having her scorpion pincers manicured every so often also doesn’t hurt and makes her less likely to at least appear not to nip too hard. If he could only shut his mouth this power couple would probably do well in social circles but Donald would have to stay on his leash to make any sort of impression.

Eastern Vedic Compatibility

Before we go any further it might be well worth mentioning that Eastern Vedic astrology also has a spin on how compatible couples are, not just on the physical plane but on the level of electromagnetic and spiritual compatibility as well. This is done by studying the lunar stars of both and ascertaining the distance between these two points in their horoscopes. In short, it’s proposed that there are no less than 10 points of agreement which can be gauged from this single component in the horoscope. This is called Dash-Koota Compatibility and although these points are not exhaustive, they can give a fairly accurate assessment of whether the relationship can pass the test of time.

These are the ten considerations necessary to assess the suitability of a proposed marriage and family life. Out of these ten considerations, at least five must be favourable for the couple to be compatible.

1. Luck

Due to an unfavourable financial interactions, there’ s a tendency to disagreement in the relationship. It also brings less good fortune.

2. Finance and wealth

The spiritual grades of the bridegroom and of the bride are at odds which is fatal, the marriage will prove harmful to both. This incompatibility factor will reduce wealth in marriage.

3. Attachment to each other

There is lack of compatibility in this respect. It will cause less well-being and attachment in the relationship

4. General welfare

The asterism of the bridegroom is beyond the 13th asterism from that of the bride, causing compatibility in this regard. This will promote welfare

5. Sexual

The copulatory organs according to Vedic astrology are different but not hostile, so sexual compatibility is of a medium nature. This one didn’t see the bondage red flags did it?

6. Family and domestic

The Moon sign of the Donald is in the 10th from that of Hillary which is promising; the couple will develop wealth together. It also indicates growth of the family so had they been a unit we have to wonder what the kids would look like.

7. Food and sensual enjoyment

The lords of the Moon signs are mutual enemies, which is very inauspicious.

8. Posterity

The Moon sign of the bridegroom and that of the bride, are not concordant either way; this will diminish harmony between the couple. It also doesn’t favour the development of posterity.

9. Felicity

The Rajju’s of the bride and groom are different. This enhances the compatibility, brings felicity in married life and immunity from widowhood.

10. Children

Dillary's childrenThe lunar stars of the couple aren’t repellent. There is compatibility in this regard; it gives many children. Ass Hillary is pro multi-cultural she has no problem integrating all sorts of ethnic groups into what she’s proud to call an ‘extended’ family philosophy.

Other Considerations

1. Male/Female

The lunar stars of Donald and Hillary are respectively female and male, which is not supposed to be good.

2. Lineage

The lineages of the Donald and the Hillary are different, which enhances the compatibility.

3. Social echelon

 The echelons of the lunar signs cause compatibility.

Total matching Points : 23.5 out of a possible 36 points which is considered acceptable, would you believe? Not quite 60% – passable but not great.

You can wake up now!

The beautiful thing about this conjectural piece is that just as at the outset we travelled back in time to see what might have been, we can just as easily fast forward, the same way Michael J Fox did in Back to the Future to wake up from this ghastly nightmare. That cringing feeling, heart palpitation and slight tremor you’re feeling right now will pass, rest assured. What’s even scarier though is the thought that if this power couple were indeed a reality could you imagine the two of them in the White House? Simultaneously? As if one wasn’t enough. Shit.

Dadhichi Toth, the irreverent astrologer, has a 30-year history in the business of reading horoscopes, over 10,000 of them in fact. He is the founder and CEO of and was a previous author of the highly successful Mills and Boon’s yearly horoscope books for 9 years. You can contact him on [email protected]


Why Melania and Donald Trump’s Marriage is Failing Miserably, Based on Astrology


DONALDMELANIAWith all the news surrounding Donald and Melania Trump’s marriage not working, it might be worth taking a look at whether or not their horoscopes indicate the end of the road for their relationship. Or is this just another bump in the road for them?

If, as most of the tabloids are saying, something doesn’t smell right in the marriage department, then things don’t look too rosy for them. But will their romance get back on track again? Or is it destined for the trash can?


Donald and Melania Trump Horoscopes


It’s obvious that Melania doesn’t always feel comfortable in her role as First Lady especially when she turns up looking like a Goth to meet and greet the Pope! Talk about a protest statement.

It’s a well-known fact that tradition dictates the First Lady to wear black when meeting the leader of the Catholic Church, but dragging your wife around looking like that, especially to an afternoon tea with the pontiff looked more like a marriage requiem than a holy blessing of God’s representative on earth. Maybe the real purpose of the visit was for the pontiff to mediate their failing marriage.

Before looking at the current circumstances of Donald being elected as president, let’s look at their horoscopes to see how the planets agree or disagree.

Diagram1: We see the inner wheel showing the positions of the planets at the time Donald Trump was born. He was born on June 14, 1946 at 9:51 AM in Queens, New York. Melania was born on April 26, 1970 at Nova Mesto in Slovenia, and her horoscope is on the outer wheel. Unfortunately, Melania’s, birth time is unavailable, so we use the Sun sign positions to assess their relationship.

The Sun indicates drive, willpower, and personality. The position of Melania’s Sun is in a friendly position to Donald’s Sun. Well, that’s something, at least. The solar positioning of both is seen as an easy aspect indicating a good flow of energies between them.

In this case, a 72° aspect or near enough is generally a good positioning for the planets, and indicates a special connection between them. This tells us that they have, or rather had, a pretty good friendship and social connections which, through their individual and mutual associations, will benefit them.

However, we also see some difficulties, particularly in Melania’s horoscope, where the Sun is associated with Saturn. This is a dead giveaway in the horoscope of women who tend to marry much older men, as well as reflecting a personality, which at times, is somewhat withdrawn. Taurean women are often less extroverted than most. And talk about stubborn! If anyone is going to get up Donald’s nose, it will be Melania, the bull!

We see in Donald’s horoscope, Mars is rising in bombastic Leo. Mars makes him irascible, domineering, pugnacious, and aggressive, to say the least. Is this something we didn’t know? Astrology simply reflects the facts. Being in the royal sign, Mars clearly reveals his sense of divine right or absolute authority which we see in his case.

Cancer-Taurus-FRAGILE-relatOne thing conspicuously absent in this cursory glance of Mars is his generous nature that most don’t give him credit for. He has the courage of his convictions but is also self-centered, which seems to be the case when we see videos of him walking off planes, out of cars, and into meetings completely oblivious to the fact that Melania is trailing behind him with that, you know, moping, forlorn look. Would anyone blame her?

Communication is such an important component of any relationship and to see this element of their marriage, we need to look at how Donald’s Mercury relates to Melania’s. Believe it or not, Donald’s Mercury in the sign of Cancer is quite emotional, although many argue you can’t see that. Why would you? The Shell of the crab is tough on the exterior and soft on the inside, like marshmallow. Aww Donald, why do you hide that soft mushy emotionalism from this? Maybe that would win you more brownie points with the far left!

Melania’s Mercury is grounded and earthy but also probably less flexible in many ways. That’s also shown by the fact that the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are all in fixed Taurus. This combo needs material security, and some would even go so far to say that the natives are marrying for let’s say, more pragmatic reasons. Some would read that as ulterior motive. No doubt she’s acquired the lifestyle she desires, but the positioning of both their communicative planets reveals that their manner of communicating, in the privacy of their own home, may be miles apart.

Venus is the planet of love and in Donald’s case is in the sign of Cancer. Melania’s Venus is in the sign of Taurus, an excellent sextile aspect of friendship.

In other words, there would have been an initial and definite physical attraction between the two but there is a difficulty in Donald’s chart and that is Venus is associated with restrictive Saturn. People having the Venus and Saturn together at birth often overcompensate for those early childhood feelings of rejection and will go the extra mile to prove to others that they are worthy and available and more importantly, that others need them when in fact they are the ones who are deeply seeking approval. In this combination,



(for even the world for that matter) notwithstanding the so-called billions that he claims to have in assets and financial means.

How compatible are you with your partner? The romance, compatibility and destiny report reveals some surprising things about your relationships.

The issue here is as well is that Donald is inhibited or at times, incapable of performing sexually even though Mars is very powerful in the rising sign. Saturn and Venus occupy his 12th house. This part of the horoscope, according to the Vedic system, has a great deal to say about sexuality and the bedroom. This combination may affect his physical performance between the sheets.

satisfaction-not-guaranteedSpeaking of sexual performance, let’s also take a look at their basic drives which also include how well they horizontally danced together. If it’s anything like the famous and awkward ballroom gala dance the world witnessed, we may need to place a rush order of Viagra or Malaysian ginseng pretty quickly to the couple.

Looking at the placement of Mars in both their horoscopes, Melania has Mars in Gemini which gives a strong intellectual learning and a powerful desire for meaningful communication. In other words or to put it bluntly, Melania isn’t averse to a little dirty talk during moments of hanky-panky.

Although not an exact square, the close right angle between both of their Mars positions isn’t a good feature of the horoscope and can show ongoing conflicts between them. In this case, read ‘loud and had on confrontations’ for the word ‘conflict.’ This is also supported by the Saturn and Venus combination in the 12th house showing that their sexual styles are probably very dissimilar.

Donald’s horoscope shows him to be instinctively materialistic. This is great for business but only adds further weight to the Venus and Saturn conjunction which, as mentioned earlier, produces awkwardness in expressing one’s deepest feelings. In Donald’s chart, however, the conjunction of the Moon and the South node in his fifth house indicates considerable creativity and no doubt, an amorous nature that’s so creative. In fact, we can imagine him using a roll of hundred dollar bills to pleasure his wife as opposed to the cigar good old Billy Clinton resorted to with Monica Lewinsky.

This conjunction seems to continue along the thread of a denial of emotional needs as a child with the Moon being close to deceptive body called Ketu or the South Node. This has strong karmic implications and particularly so because this is such an exact conjunction between the two bodies.

love-or-moneyFurthermore, the Moon rules his 12th house of secrets and unfulfilled desires. This lunar position being connected to his karma so strongly indicated challenges he must deal with intimately within himself not just in his marriage, but also with his children. He is close with all his children but by the same token, often feel torn between his sense of duty to family and his passion for work and money. The Moon relates to his emotions and the way he instinctively expresses himself on that level.

It appears that many of the planets seem to occupy what is a 2-12 arrangement. In other words, when looking at Donald’s horoscope, quite a few planets fall on the 12th position of Melania’s horoscope which is very undermining to the health of the relationship.

Jupiter indicates how a person will expand and develop generally. In Donald’s horoscope, Jupiter is regarded as one of his better planets and was apparently completely stationary at the time he was born. This endows him with a larger-than-life attitude and especially because Jupiter rules his fifth house of speculation, we can see why he’s not afraid to take a big gamble in life.

On the other hand, Melania has Jupiter located in the seventh sole house or marriage and relationships, which is also retrograde. At this point, we can see where some of the basic differences between them lay. Jupiter in Melania’s horoscope points to the fact that she expands through her relationships, and needs a very healthy one-on-one intimacy and communication with her significant other. With Saturn and the Sun fully aspecting her marital sector, we see the constrictions you must feel knowing that Donald’s attention and energy is obviously on the next big business deal, which will cause the relationship to erode significantly over time.

Taking a look at the horoscopes of the president and first lady using Vedic astrology, we can also gain a further understanding of what astrology has to say about their relationship. Let’s also look at the transits of the planets to see how these weaknesses and challenges in their relationships might actually be triggered during the current planetary transits.

In this system of prognostication, the lunar position is of tantamount importance, and when we look at the fact that their lunar positions are also juxtaposed in a 2/12 arrangement, we have to say that there are distinct differences in their attitudes and styles.

love-hATE-2Using the 27 Vedic lunar stars and the fact that Donald’s lunar star is the 27th from Melania’s, this is considered one of the best placements for general all-round compatibility. Perhaps this is why, as with many relationships, even if there are a multitude of factors working against the relationship, the odd one or two placements can bind the two together in a sort of love hate scenario.

The transit of Saturn from 2010 to 2017 says a great deal about his relationships and marriage. This is called the 7 1/2 year period of Saturn and occurs through the transits of the 12th, the lunar and second sign from the Moon, and can be one of the most challenging periods of life, which none of us would disagree with.

During his run for presidency, he indeed endured some of the most scathing press and opposition- even from within his own party. Fortunately, he had the Jupiter return which helped, as well as the main Jupiter cycle which commenced smack bang in the same week of the election, bringing with it the great good fortune of being elected to the top post.

Donald still has another two and a half years of this cycle remaining.

While Saturn is transiting the second house from the Moon, his finances, family, and relationships with children will also become very strained. His health may also fail. Interestingly, the second house also relates to speech, so don’t be surprised to see these advisers chastising him for saying too much.
Melania will be cheering on the sidelines supporting his advisers in this respect of course. Who knows, we may even see less tweets heading is all on an hourly basis.

One thing’s for certain, and that is that when Saturn in the next few weeks or so starts to transits his second lunar house, its effects for marriage and family life are not good.

This next two years will be difficult and may bring not only health problems, but also the potential for losses and even legal issues that may bring him down. He is still in the first sub cycle of the Jupiter life interval which commenced on 14 November 2016, and this interval continues until 3 January 2019.

Because this exposition has more to do with his family and marriage, we have to look at how this planet impacts upon his marital affairs. We see that Jupiter is actually about to move into the third house from the ascendant which is the 12th house from the Moon. This is a particularly difficult placement, but being friendly to both his ascendant and Moon favourable aspects the seventh house or his wife. There may be some improvement, but while he is still playing his political game, there may indeed be more problems for him and Melania. Jupiter’s 12th house disposition indicates, along with Saturn transiting the second house of finance, a load of financial pressure on him, his businesses, and marriage.

holding-onIf we look at the horoscope of Melania, we see that she entered into the same 7 1-2 year cycle 2 1/2 years after Donald and is now about to experience the full force of this karmic cycle in her most critical lunar house. That will commence almost immediately and bring with it an incredible burden in her married life.

Saturn is fully aspecting her seventh house of marriage, as well as her 10th house of profession, ego development, self-satisfaction, and karmic destiny. From this point of view, Melania’s horoscope is cycling through a period of desperately trying to handle her marriage and the baggage that goes along with it (i.e. the presidency).

For Melania, Jupiter moves to her favourable 11th house shortly, and this constitutes the Jupiter return which is generally very lucky. The 11th house is better for her personal affairs, especially her social life and interactions with children although there are also problems shown by the position of Mercury, Saturn, and the Sun.

Ordinarily, my prediction is that the combination of Saturn and Mercury for her Moon means that there is some difficult karma related to her children. Their son, Baron, can be seen exhibiting unusual behavior, even to the extent of pushing Melania away when she tries to demonstrate her love to him. I suspect that because the Sun and Saturn are involved, her son Baron may simply be exhibiting some of his paternal traits.

The big thing to watch for is the adverse aspects of Saturn to Venus which we see currently. Saturn has been in its opposition cycle both to Venus and Mars throughout the last couple of years, so it’s not at all surprising that affection has done an exit-stage-left in their marriage. If a picture paints a thousand words, we aren’t being deceived by what we see in the media.

Melania’s disdain for Donald’s attempts to hold her hand are unprecedented in the history of presidential, marital relations.

Who can possibly forget those sad moments which are clearly expressed in her face at those times?


Donald’s horoscope and the marital challenges can be clearly seen in the transits which seem to be lagging behind Melania in terms of dissatisfaction. He is probably reasonably comfortable remaining the businessmen and political figure he has now become. But when Saturn transits the opposition of Venus in a couple years from now, he may well find himself in the reverse role as life’s apprentice with Melania yelling: ‘Donald, you’re fired!’.

Astrology is much more personal than what daily horoscopes can provide. Want to consult with a genuine experience astrologer who can reveal to you the truth of your life and fate. Click here now to find out more.

The Great American Solar Eclipse Live Interview with Dadhichi Toth


Watch The Great American Solar Eclipse Live Interview with Dadhichi Toth, our resident astrologer on All About You! He explains how it will affect each sign. WATCH HERE!

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Astrology: Talent, Faith and Success


Astrology: Talent, Faith and Success explained….

As an introduction to the new year of 2017, I thought I’d talk a little bit about talent and how to use that for achieving something meaningful in your life. Usually one of the biggest difficulties initially is identifying not only what your talent is but if that talent will provide you happiness and satisfaction or not. Many people possess a variety of talents but don’t necessarily feel harmonised in body mind and spirit through the expression of that talent. Guilt can play a part in this. If for example, your Jewish father wanted you to continue in the lending business because you were great at winning new clients but your heart really was set upon playing the guitar in a band, which you were also good at, what would you do? In your heart of hearts, you want to play guitar but your cultural conditioning and sense of guilt prevent you doing what you know you should – out of fear.

If you’re fortunate enough to discover what it is you are talented at and also feel happy doing it, you then need the focus of a high order to magnify your passion and talent. Through one-pointed determination set your heart on achieving your goal. For the most part, you should use your own power and means to achieve what you desire in life even if you happen to have the option for financial and professional support to get you further. No man is an island under himself, but you should also be careful of becoming indebted to people would give you money only as a means of ensnaring you for their own selfish ends. Practical and commonsensical skills as an adjunct to the above are often conspicuously seen lacking in some of the most creative individuals and even some of the biggest stars on the world stage. Many end up completely broke.

The vast majority of people on planet Earth who believe in God never really achieve anything worthwhile because the faith they have is impotent in that they do nothing themselves to utilise the science and laws of success practically. They are waiting, forever waiting for Something above to give them what they pray for. I’m not saying you shouldn’t believe in God and in fact if you do have faith in some higher power you should show God just how much you appreciate the gifts given by Him/Her by doing your best to develop them to the best of your ability. This is called gratitude and is another fundamental law of success and wealth.

True gratitude is not easily understood. It is the sense that you have more than enough even if you don’t. That is why the poverty struck and those with a scarcity mentality constantly worry about not having enough and therefore, consequently, amplify the thought and feeling of scarcity thereby attracting more of that in their lives. What is true, practical faith if not acting as if you have more than enough? You must always act “AS IF” with the following thoughts

I am successful

I have money

I am great at what I do

These thoughts generate positive your chemicals in the body which in turn enhance your aura and have an impact on the environment and people around you. Electromagnetic aura is exactly that – magnetic, and has the power to attract objects, people, events and circumstances including the success that you want. Act AS IF even if NOT is your current condition!

The faith most religious people talk of is never a practical faith and rarely is it ever true courage, valor or unflinching strength – that strength of believing in yourself against all odds. Using religion as an analogy, the concept of faith is easily talked about. It’s very cheap. But what if say, the Pope, the spiritual figurehead for God here on earth to a billion faithful was to fall ill. Would the bishops reach for a Bible praying to Jesus for recovery or would they rush him to the hospital and avail themselves of the best medical expertise in Rome? Where one’s faith lies is very easily seen in actions which always speak louder than words.

It would appear from the observation that far greater faith in medicine than in any great healing teaching of Jesus seems to be exhibited by the majority of people even those of ‘faith’. The belief that he would heal those who pray to him should be enough to convince at least the Pope of the efficacy of prayer and faith. You’d think the Pope, closest child of God, would set an example to his fawning followers to prove to them at least his own power of faith even if it meant his death. We all know from Christian doctrine that death is conquerable and according to Catholic tradition through faith is one the ability to overcome any fear. You realise I’m being facetious, don’t you?

But what has any of this to do with astrology? Astrology is a tool, a catalyst for understanding your strengths and weaknesses and in particular the talents that may be embedded within your genetic makeup. Understanding your talents gives rise to a belief they can be improved upon and generate success. This is the birth of faith in one’s own self. Your interests, study patterns and work prospects are clearly seen in your horoscope. Astrology is not about dreaming about what will happen but is a very efficient way of knowing what and also when and how. Along with talent it’s imperative to do self-analysis and that must be done without the imposition of any dogma in the process. This is easier than it sounds because at our core we are conditioned animals – genetically and environmentally and this is dramatically impacted by our cultural and religious heritage.

If you must read books like the Bible or even the Koran you should do so with a completely open mind and stand receptive to the intuitive meaning for you and your life at any given moment. This sometimes means your interpretation will be at odds with the prevailing religious trend. But isn’t that what exactly what has happened with 300 different Christian denominations. Each and every one of them has a different view of the Bible. Each and every one of them justifies their view. So I say create another viewyour own view and use it in the best way you can with discrimination and spiritual intuition. That’s  the voice of God if indeed you’d like to believe there is one.

Now consulting astrology that doesn’t necessarily mean your life will have every single issue resolved through the horoscope. That is again a matter of faith and courage on your part, where you must make decisions and stop relying on supernatural forces including the planets, to bring you the results you daydream about. Wishful thinking won’t produce any results. And doing the same thing over and over again just because you have a Bible in your hand will also not produce results. Again that is why 99% of the people believing in God die in poverty. Don’t you think that’s rather odd? The fact of the matter is that God only really helps those who help themselves.

Helping yourself is best done through self-understanding and wisdom. That is the primary motivation of astrology – to reflect back to the inquirer what karmic residue from the previous life in terms of abilities, can be accessed in this current incarnation. Some of that residue is also disharmonious and obstructive and there are ways to deal with that.

Primarily the first house, which is the edifice of the horoscope, should be carefully looked at. The 2nd house which is finance and the ability to earn money is obviously tied in with the 10th house of professional achievement and activity. The 6th house is discipline, daily work, and skills. The 2nd, 6th and 10th house, therefore, form a triangle being 120° apart from each other. In the natural Zodiac, these star signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the earth trine. Looking at these part of the horoscope yield valuable information on the value system one has and what capacity through skillful action one is endowed with and able to achieve. The pinnacle of that achievement is the 10th house.

But earning money is not necessarily satisfying as was explained at the outset. Intellectual, social, creative and spiritual satisfaction need to be interwoven into the financial fabric of one’s overall success. The 3rd house, 5th house, and 9th houses happen to be different aspects of the mind. This tells us of the intellectual motivations and directions a person is likely to take. The 5th house is particularly important in terms of one’s creative ability and, to an extent, competitive instincts. The 9th house is the spiritual mind and along with the 5th house has much to say about the past and future life of the individual and where this life may be used as a catalyst to fulfill one’s aspirations. Also, ultimately, these areas of the horoscope tell you where one is destined to be. It’s often said that great and successful people often believed they were destined for great things.

In studying the 10th house of profession and success, the 11th house can’t be overlooked as these deals with one’s life fulfillment and interestingly is also connected with social activities and friends. In many cases the social elements in your life are a key to success and being human we do tend to naturally gravitate towards group activities and team spirit as part of the drive for success. We like to share our successes in a social context.

The Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter relate strongly to the issues of success and career. Unfortunately, most people reverse the law in the hope of achieving success. By that I mean that money is usually the motivation and the goal rather than creative passion and excellence in the pursuit of some lofty ideal being the primary criteria for success. With the perfection of skill comes celebrity or fame and this naturally leads to wealth. This is by far the best way to achieve the triumph you desire. Through astrology and the study of the planets and houses, you will make wonderful sense of the jigsaw that your life may appear to be at this time. Putting those pieces together is the first goal on your path to success. Once the jigsaw is solved, the picture of your life becomes so much clearer.



Forks in the road of life

Forks in the road of life

When people think of forks in the road of life, it usually means important crisis points along the way, where an almost do or die decision must be made. But actually, on this journey, every moment presents you with a fork, a fork in the awareness of how you perceive what is happening right now.

Forks are only choices which, if you’re aware and attentive enough will be seen to be emerging in the most mundane of activities every minute, every day. Those activities might involve the way you react to the sandwich girl who tosses your food at you in huff and puff. How will you react or rather, act? The anger you feel as you’re driving along and someone cuts you off; and because you’re lunging at your destination, racing against the clock as you always do, your blood boils, your cortisol and adrenal levels rise and saturate your physical being. All because you wanted to edge a meter closer to your destination, just a few seconds earlier than the driver next to you!

I recently got a call from one of my oldest best friends, Ken. Ken was my best mate in my early teens and I still have many fond memories of our youth together. He was born under the Sun sign of Cancer and so being a water sign had a natural affinity with me, Scorpio. Ken had bad news. He never was one to beat around the bush. He emphatically said, “Dadhichi, I have esophageal cancer and it’s terminal”. I was stunned. What do you say to someone when they tell you they’re going to die? But what impressed me and also highlights the point I’m trying to make about forks in the road of life, being moments at the intersection of life, is that when I asked him how long he had left he replied in jest, “Between one and five years”. Interrupting my uncomfortable silence with his usual juicy punchline he giggled “My partner and I decided to take the five-year option”.

Ken has always epitomized the type of person who chooses a positive attitude, even when the worst things are happening in his life – like dying. Of course, he could have opted for the one year option, previously known as the-glass-half-empty attitude, or as he chose, he took it as an opportunity in that moment, to make light of the situation and express joy rather than sorrow, yes, that momentary fork. He went on to pragmatically remind me that death was obviously inevitable as part of life and that it happens to all of us. Something we all know, but somehow prefer not to think about.

Right now, reading this book and these words, you’re confronted with that same spiritual fork, in a sense, perhaps not in a life-and-death way, but in your very awareness, in this instant in time as to how to imbibe what you are reading and somehow apply it to your own life. Or not. There’s that fork again! And that is always the most important fork. The choices -left or right; up or down; yes or no; in or out are the endless forks that life is throwing at you as if you standing there waiting for the knife thrower to do his impressive act and miss you each and every time. The fork is simply the manifestation of polarity, the two extremes which underlie all judgement, all choices, and the whole of life. And unfortunately, it is inescapable. I say supposed choices because we assume we have free will, or do we? But that’s a whole other discussion. You can’t escape the fork. It’s an endless fork. “Should I eat the ice cream or not?” From “should I take a gamble or not” to “will I say yes when he asks me to marry me? Or not?”

The answers to these questions, virtually every question, is always underpinned by that faint feeling of fear born out your own insecurity. That insecurity takes the shape of “What will happen if I make that choice, after deliberation, and realise that the choice I made, was the wrong one?” No problem! When you arrive at that realization in your experience, that you’d made a mistake, you are always at some fork or other, so simply make another choice, or at least act as if you have that choice. That is the game of life and once you accept it and start flowing with it, not because you believe that your inner satisfaction is dependent on winning, or achieving an end goal, but because the sense of exhilaration that comes from the unknown and living life with an adventurous spirit of curiosity, is itself its own fulfilment.


The Art of Forgiveness and the 12 signs of the Zodiac – Dadhichi Toth


Forgiving others is not always an easy thing, especially if you’ve been hurt deeply. But I thought I would extend the concept of Christmas at this time to include this charitable act which is often a very difficult thing for many of us. How does the art of forgiveness impact on each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac?

Because each Zodiac personality sees life and deals with people and circumstances so differently it’s important to understand how each sign can use its unique character traits to break free of these self-limiting patterns of holding grudges and not forgiving others for the wrongs committed against us. The converse of this is where we may have done wrong to others and find the forgiveness we so deeply desire in our lives is not forthcoming.

This flip side of the coin is sometimes unbearable and I have many clients consulting me ( in particular parents ), estranged from children suffering desperately for years – sometimes until the end of their lives not being able to reconcile, simply for the reason that the child they hurt has never been able to forgive them.

With Aries, we note the fiery passion of Mars which is often ruthless, bold and impulsive. If you are born under this sign you are likely to say and do things in a harsh and impetuous way without thinking. If you hurt someone it’s not always intentionally but the problem is that you are unconscious about it and if others bring this to your attention you may not be aware of what they are talking about. The theme therefore is to remain more aware, more conscious of what you are saying and to note the nuances in others’ facial characteristics, body language and the way people react to you when you say and do things. Generally for an Aries, forgiveness is not too difficult. Your anger is often short lived and you are able to reconcile and let go of things much more easily than some of the other signs of the Zodiac. The fact that yours is a cardinal or movable sign means you are able to move on and let bygones be bygones.

Taurus for you, forgiveness may not always be an easy thing due to the fixity of your sign. Venus too endows you with a great deal of passion and usually I speak of this passion in terms of the sensual excessive side of life but we can extend this concept to such things as emotional patterns and your inability to break through or to let go of things. Therefore there are some Taureans that I have known who tend to hold grudges and get stuck in a fixed pattern of thinking and reacting to others. The lesson for you this Christmas and my best advice is to use a little bit of mental WD40 to loosen the cogs of change and to get the machinery of flexibility moving freely again.

Gemini, you are the sort of person who is able to freely and intellectually move in different directions and your communication skills are great. So this does tend to give you the edge when it comes to dealing with others especially when you have been hurt or you have hurt them. Maintaining an open line of communication is always the best policy irrespective of what side of the forgiveness equation you are on. By speaking about how you feel and truly endeavouring to understand the other persons view point can help you break through any of the barriers you have in your relationships. Let’s just hope this Christmas you are able to cast aside your cynicism and some of the sarcasm that is sometimes found in the Gemini temperament to reconcile from a really heartfelt space.

Cancer, you are moody, self-absorbed and often unable to let go of the deep dark moods you feel. Coupled with these changing emotional tides due to the rulership of the Moon, you also have a tendency to be hypersensitive and this is a dangerous recipe especially if you are working towards perfecting the art of forgiveness. The upside of being a Cancer when it comes to these issues is that you are capable of a high degree of empathy and the key to your forgiveness is compassion – simply putting yourself in the shoes of the other person to see just how you’d feel if someone wasn’t able to forgive you. Through this practise you’ll make great spiritual strides in your life and relationships during this Christmas period.  When dealing with many family members it’s all the more important for those born under the sign of Cancer to handle their family relationships with deeper insight now.

Leo, you are one of the most fixed signs of the Zodiac, fiery, bright and at times self-righteous,  even pompous in your approach. Like your fire brother, Aries, there are times when you feel as if what you are saying and doing is harmless yet other people take your statements and actions to heart. Then you wonder why at some future time you are not being treated in the way you feel you deserve. It’s imperative for you to reach out and ask others for their opinion of your behaviour and as hard as this may be, the one thing that will help you to evolve very speedily in your personal relationship. In being able to openly accept constructive criticism you’ll pave the way for more flexible relationship and a greater ability to forgive others and also to forgive yourself.

Virgo, the art of forgiveness may be a little easier for you than others due to the fact that your key signature as far as personality is concerned is service and improving things. But this can at times be a double-edged sword for you as your ideals and expectations are very hard for other people to meet. Consequently you tend to be hypercritical and demanding of others especially when you see attributes and potential in them that they yet can’t. Intellectual patience is important for you and this in itself can bypass many of the problems you have regarding forgiveness. As the old adage goes, “an ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure”.

Libra, Librans do tend to want peace but at what cost I ask? Sometimes even if a Libran hasn’t exactly done anything wrong, for the sake of peace they will apologise and ask for forgiveness. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings”. I hear this often, almost as an unconscious regurgitation from some deep, dark subconscious corner of the Libran psyche. Yes forgiveness is essential in relationships but not at the expense of dignity and self-respect. On the point of a genuine need for forgiveness though, the Libran is accommodating and will give people a second chance if only for the sake of keeping that peace. Finding a balance between peace and being true to yourself is a difficult life challenge for you. No wonder the scales are your icon.

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the Zodiac, fixed, brooding, deep and mysterious is not the most amenable sign to forgiveness and in fact I have met many Scorpions who harbour lifetime grudges and vendettas, being unable to forgive. This is a shame because the power of forgiveness has as its greatest recipient the one who does the forgiving. Forgiveness is not for the other person but for one’s own self a great gift. Those who are unforgiving carry a burden, a deep seated resentment which slowly deteriorates the inner spirit and finally the health and vitality of the person. The truly transformative and regenerative influence of the Scorpionic energies can only be had if the art of forgiveness is truly taken on board and practised.

Sagittarius, this ninth sign of the Zodiac has all the attributes of the higher mind being ruled by Jupiter, being arguably the most spiritual of planets. For this reason the Jupitarian, Sagittarian, is ever read to forgive and recommence a relationship that has faltered by wiping the slate completely clean. But others should know that this should be not taken advantage of as the one born under the sign of Sagittarius has also a fire side and beneath the easy going and magnanimous gestures is a temperament that can turn and crush others just as easily. This is not always evident when reading traditional books on Astrology but is certainly the case. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius can also be somewhat exaggerative in their gestures and there words. If it’s necessary to enter into negotiations to give or receive forgiveness it’s best to say as little as possible. Allow the power of your ruling planet Jupiter to re-engage the other person and re-ignite those flames of love once again.

As a Saturnine being born under the sign of the Goat, Capricorn forgiveness is also not always easy for you. You’re cautious by nature so that gives you the edge in that you are not likely to haphazardly involve yourself with people that let you down. If that is the case it’s probably earlier in life when you are still learning the ropes about relationships. When you’ve been burned a few times you’re likely to learn from your mistakes and so will avoid those people and situations so as to side step any future suffering and emotional turmoil. Depending on where your ruling planet Saturn is stationed at the time you’re born this will also have some marked impact on the way you forgive and forget.  Capricorns prefer to learn from their past mistakes rather than repeating them. Because Saturn brings with it a rather pessimistic outlook it’s best for you as with the sign of Scorpio to do your best to release yourself from deep broodings over past hurts and remove thoughts of vengeance. Forgiveness and letting go (I didn’t say forgetting completely) is your ticket to inner peace and spiritual freedom.

Aquarius, you are rather unusual in the way you handle your relationship and the fact that you are unconventional to say the least. In terms of patching up relationships, forgiving and being forgiven, you are likely to be rather unpredictable so it is essential for you to decide whether you do want to forgive someone or not. You may need time to draw your conclusions and perhaps there may be some conditions attached to the forgiveness. Let me tell you unequivocally this won’t work. True forgiveness has to be unconditional even if it is somewhat unconventional. The progressive mind set of an Aquarian needs freedom on an emotional level to function in its higher aspects. By weighing yourself down with emotional baggage you’ll notice a distinct downgrading of your mental clarity and professional and future success. As mentioned to some of the other signs, forgiveness offers its greatest benefits to those who do the forgiving.

Pisces, being born on the twelfth sign, the most compassionate and self-effacing of Zodiac signs you, out of all of your Zodiac brothers and sisters, are imbued with the ability to forgive unconditionally. I often talk about this ability as being a crucifix on your shoulders, and if you have read my newsletter this month you will note the symbol of the fish is synonymous with the crucifix. I say this because whilst I certainly extol the virtue of forgiveness I also say in the same breath that forgiveness for you should never become a burden or a process of becoming a victim yourself.  Never forgive someone for the same misdeed over and over again. This is not unconditional forgiveness, this is, simply foolishness. You too must learn from your mistakes in giving undeserving people far too many chances. Knowing when to forgive and not to forgive is the secret lesson for those of you born under Pisces.