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What are the indications of no marriage in Astrology?

What are the indications of no marriage in Astrology?

Astrology is a powerful tool that can help indicate whether someone is likely to get married or not. Several different factors can be looked at to make this determination, including the position of the planets, the strength of the Seventh House, and the aspects formed in the Seventh House.

“No marriage indications” in astrology are typically associated with a weaker Seventh House or a Seventh House afflicted by challenging planetary aspects. For example, if Saturn is located in the Seventh House, this could indicate that marriage may be delayed or may not occur at all. Additionally, if there are challenging aspects formed to the Seventh House from planets like Mars or Pluto, this could also suggest that marriage may not be in the cards.

How to know if you won't get married?

10 Factors that tell  you won't get married

Certain things can be looked at in a person’s chart to see if they’re likely to get married or not. Here are five factors that may suggest someone is less likely to tie the knot:

  1. A weak Seventh House: The Seventh House is the house of marriage and committed relationships, so a weak or afflicted Seventh House suggests that these areas of life may be challenging.
  2. Difficult aspects to the Seventh House: If there are problematic aspects (such as squares or oppositions) from planets like Mars or Pluto to the Seventh House, marriage may not be easy or may not happen at all.
  3. Saturn in the Seventh House: Saturn is often referred to as the “great malefic”, and its placement in the Seventh House can indicate delays or difficulties in marriage.
  4. A lack of planets in the Seventh House: If there are no planets located in the Seventh House, this could suggest that marriage is not a priority for the person or that they may be less interested in committed relationships.
  5. An afflicted Seventh House Lord: If the planet that rules the Seventh House is weak or afflicted, this could also suggest difficulties in marriage.
  6. A difficult Moon: The Moon is the planet that represents the public, so a difficult Moon could suggest that marriage may not be something that is of interest to the person or that they may not be able to find a partner who is willing to marry them.
  7. A difficult Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships, so a difficult Venus could suggest challenges when finding love or forming lasting relationships.
  8. An afflicted Fifth House: The Fifth House is the house of romance and creativity, so an afflicted Fifth House could suggest difficulties when it comes to matters of the heart.
  9. A challenging Solar Return chart: If a person’s Solar Return chart for the year ahead is challenging, this could suggest that marriage may not be likely during that time.
  10. A difficult transiting Saturn: If Saturn is going through a problematic transit (such as square or opposition), this could also suggest delays or difficulties in marriage.


Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility.

What Astrology can tell you about your married life?

Astrology can give insights into all aspects of life, including marriage. Several different factors are studied to get an idea of what someone’s married life will be like, such as the position of Venus, the Seventh House, and the aspects formed in the Seventh House.

For example, Venus’s location in the Seventh House indicates a happy and harmonious marriage. Alternatively, if there are challenging aspects formed to the Seventh House from planets like Mars or Pluto, this could suggest that marriage may be more difficult.

What is the impact of no marriage on Astrology?

No marriage indications in astrology can often be associated with a weaker Seventh House, which can suggest difficulties in matters of marriage and committed relationships. Additionally, if there are challenging aspects formed to the Seventh House from planets like Mars or Pluto, this could also suggest that marriage may not be easy or may not happen at all.

Is there any remedy for no marriage indication in Astrology?

If your planets are not in a good position, take the help of an excellent astrologer to find a spouse who will be compatible with you. They will help you better understand your planets and their positioning to find a spouse who will be a good match for you.

Some possible remedies may help to improve the chances of marriage, such as:

  1. Doing charitable work related to marriage or relationships, such as working at a wedding venue or volunteering for a dating service.
  2. Wearing gemstones associated with planets that rule the Seventh House, such as diamonds (ruled by Venus) or rubies (ruled by Mars).
  3. Performing rituals dedicated to the planet Venus, such as offering prayers or doing puja (worship).
  4. Color therapy is also one of the best remedies for changing the energy around you. You can wear an orange colour dress on Fridays to please planet Venus.
  5. Fasting on Fridays will also help reduce the malefic effects of planet Venus.


If you are facing difficulties finding a spouse or your marriage is not going well, consider seeking help from an experienced astrologer. They will be able to analyze your birth chart and offer guidance on how to improve your chances of finding a compatible partner or having a happy marriage.

Several possible remedies may help improve the situation, such as wearing gemstones associated with planets that rule the Seventh House, performing rituals dedicated to Venus, or doing charitable work related to marriage.

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


Planning what business to choose?

Planning what business to choose?

Planning what business to choose?


Astrology is a solid guide to help you find the best business for you. Every sign has its own unique strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. By taking your astrological sign into account, you can better understand what type of business will suit you best.

There are a few things to consider when picking a business. The first is profitability. Will the business make enough money to sustain itself? Second, think about whether or not you have the skills and knowledge necessary to run the business. If not, are you willing to learn? Third, consider your work/life balance. How much time are you willing to dedicate to the business? Lastly, passion is essential! Choose something you’ll enjoy working on day in and day out.

What business is best for your astrological sign?


Aries are natural leaders and are often drawn to businesses that allow them to be in charge. They enjoy being the boss and having control over their destiny. A business that is fast-paced and constantly changing is perfect for an Aries. They like to be challenged and are always up for good competition.


Taurus are hard workers and are often drawn to businesses that offer stability and security. They prefer a slow and steady pace, and they like to know what to expect. They want to see results for their hard work, so a business with potential for growth is also appealing. A business with a solid foundation is ideal for a Taurus.


Gemini born individuals are social creatures and often do best in businesses that allow them to interact with others. They like to be kept busy and enjoy having a variety of tasks to keep them occupied. They are also excellent at multitasking, so a business that requires them to wear many hats is ideal. A business that is fast-paced and ever-changing is perfect for a Gemini.


Cancer is compassionate and nurturing souls who often do best in businesses that involve taking care of others. They have a natural gift for caretaking and often excel in service-oriented industries. They want to feel like they are making a difference in the world and are often drawn to businesses with a philanthropic bent. A business with a lot of heart is ideal for Cancer.


Leo is a natural-born leader and is attracted to businesses that put them in the spotlight. They enjoy being the centre of attention and love to be surrounded by people who admire them. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a humanitarian focus is also appealing. A business that is glamorous and exciting is perfect for a Leo.


Virgo is detail-oriented and often does best in businesses that allow them to use their keen eye for detail. They prefer a slow and steady pace, and they like to have all their ducks in a row before moving forward. A well-organised business with a clear plan is ideal for a Virgo. They also want to feel useful and needed, so a business where they can use their skills to help others is also appealing.


Libra are social creatures who often do best in businesses that interact with others. They enjoy being surrounded by people and love to be in the company of those they admire. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a humanitarian focus is also appealing. A business that is glamorous and exciting is perfect for Libra.


Scorpios are passionate and intense souls who often do best in businesses that allow them to pour their heart and soul into their work. They are often drawn to businesses that are fast-paced and constantly changing. A business that is exciting and challenging is perfect for a Scorpio. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a philanthropic bent is also appealing.


Sagittarius are natural adventurers who often do best in businesses that allow them to travel and explore. They are often drawn to businesses that are fast-paced and constantly changing. A business that is exciting and challenging is perfect for a Sagittarius. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a philanthropic bent is also appealing.


Capricorns are ambitious and hardworking individuals who often do their best in businesses, offering them a chance to succeed. They are often drawn to well-organised businesses and have a clear plan. A business that is stable and secure is perfect for a Capricorn. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a humanitarian focus is also appealing.


Aquarius is an independent and unique individual who often does best in businesses that allow them to use their creativity. They are drawn to businesses that are fast-paced and constantly changing. A business that is exciting and challenging is perfect for an Aquarius. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a philanthropic bent is also appealing.


Pisces are compassionate and nurturing souls who often do best in businesses that involve taking care of others. They have a natural gift for caretaking and often excel in service-oriented industries. A business with a lot of heart is ideal for Pisces. They want to feel like they are making a difference in the world and are a natural fit with businesses with a humanitarian focus.

What to consider Astrologically when starting your own business:

Astrologically, it is essential to consider your strengths and weaknesses when starting your own business. It would help if you chose a business that plays to your strengths and is passionate about. Consider what you want to achieve with your business, and make sure that the business goals align with your values. It is also essential to be aware of the astrological energies at play globally and how they may impact your business. Start planning and taking action when the planets align in your favour and are prepared for obstacles when they are not. Trust your intuition, and don’t be afraid to follow your heart when choosing a business venture.


Each sign has certain qualities that can make them successful in certain businesses. Consider your strengths and weaknesses, and choose a business that plays to your strengths. Your planets can also give you clues about the best time to start your business and how to navigate the challenges that will inevitably come up. Follow your heart, and let the stars guide you to success!



Can Astrology Predict Your Death?

Can Astrology Predict Your Death?

Death is a great mystery to everyone. But, Can astrology predict your death? when we will die? Would we live ourlives differently? Would we be more careful while crossing the road? Would we stop annoying each other for small matters and try to make peace instead? No one knows what happens after death, and that’s why it remains such a mystery.

But there are some planets in astrology that can help us predict how one can die. These planets rule over different parts of our body and influence them during their cycle of powerful retrograde motion (when they turn from right to left).

020-jupiterThe planet Jupiter rules your liver & kidneys, which both need fresh blood supply until you die. So if Jupiter is retrograding over your liver & kidneys, it means the supply of fresh blood doesn’t reach these organs. This obstruction will directly affect your health, and you might slip into comas or die.

023-mercuryMercury rules a part of our brain called the cerebellum, which influences how we walk, remain upright, and balance ourselves on two feet. So if this planet is retrograding over this area, it causes problems in walking and remaining upright. People already suffering from some neurological disorder may experience further complications due to Mercury retrograde over the cerebellum.

venusVenus rules the veins/arteries & our overall circulation system, i.e., heart valves. The retrograde motion of Venus can cause blockages in these areas leading to poor circulation.

022-marsMars rules over your heart, and hence, the retrograde motion of this planet can affect the functionality of your heart. It can lead to major or minor heart attacks depending on age and health condition.

Jupiter has an essential role in our lives – it shows how much money we earn during our lifetime. So if this planet turns back on itself, it means you will lose all the wealth accumulated so far and may have fewer savings towards the end of your life. At times, Jupiter causes long-term unemployment, which eventually leads to financial problems for most people.

033-saturnSaturn rules our bones, so problems related to the bones may arise if it retrogrades over them. This planet also rules over our muscles, so when it turns back on itself & retrogrades over your muscles – you will experience muscle pain due to a lack of proper exercise.

uranusUranus is associated with electricity in our body and hence can affect our nervous system if it goes retrograde over it. It causes sudden shocks in our nervous system, which directly affects the brain’s functioning because the nerve cells communicate with each other through electrical impulses.

024-neptuneNeptune’s retrograde motion can cause serious health issues related to blood circulation & respiratory problems too. So if this planet is to the left, i.e., retrograde motion over your lungs and other respiratory organs – you will experience problems in breathing, or it can even lead to lung cancer.

The nodes of the Moon also play a significant role in affecting our health. When the south node is retrograde over some anatomical area, we experience problems related to that area. So one must check the position of the south node before any such disorders occur (the south node rules over these parts).

These are some significant factors that can affect us during the Mercury Retrograde period – but there may be several other causes as well – depending upon your horoscope and planetary positions at that specific period.

The best way to deal with this planetary situation is – to meet a good astrologer and tell them your birth details along with the time of your birth. He will advise you on how to lead your life, keeping in mind the Mercury Retrograde period, and can even suggest remedies so that one can remain unaffected. Anticipated health problems may be mitigated to some extent.

Signs dominated by Mercury & Gemini:

These people should avoid any travel during Mercury Retrograde periods as much as possible. Even everyday activities like going out shopping etc., have a high chance of getting stuck up in obstacles/problems. So they need to start preparing for this 3-4 days before the retrograde begins, i.e. when Mercury is entering into a shadow zone of retrogradation.

Gemini & Virgo people must not get their blood tested at this time.

How to prepare yourself for this period:

Relax! Yes, you heard it right. However, don’t take it as an excuse to do nothing at all. You can do some charity work, etc. Even if you are stuck up with significant issues during this period – try to handle them in a calm & composed manner while keeping patience & faith in God & your abilities. So relax while trying to solve these problems without getting too frustrated or worried about the outcome ……that’s all I can say!

When will Mercury Retrograde periods occur?

Planet Mercury RetrogradeMercury goes into retrograde motion 3-4 times every year,  lasting around 23 weeks each time. Most of the time, this period is of 40-43 days. For example:

What are Mercury’s retrograde periods like?

During retrograde periods, things will start going haywire. Vehicles may break down, or some other mechanical issues might arise – so if you need to travel – try avoiding it as much as possible, i.e., postpone your journey for a specific date when the Mercury will be direct again.

If you have to go on a long journey, make sure that you leave early enough and take necessary precautions to reduce any unpleasant circumstances or obstacles from cropping up during the journey. Be prepared with proper food & water provisions & emergency tools/ materials if needed.

Please don’t purchase anything at this time. Many people report that their purchases find themselves beset with problems or delivery issues for several months.

Don’t sign any new contracts, agreements & legal documents during this time.


So these are some precautions that you would do well to take if your chart shows that you are vulnerable during this period. We are saying that one should avoid everything or become a complete shut-in at home! You can carry on with your everyday life to some extent, but I mean to try to be cautious & alert & don’t let things get out of hand by being indifferent. This way, you can solve many problems before they start creating significant issues in any field of your life……& yes, have an exit plan too! 🙂


About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here