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Meditation according to your star sign


Too often we become caught up in ideologies, dogmas and religions of all sorts. Through astrology however we can see the different qualities exhibited in the characters of the zodiac. Spirituality is predominantly governed by the 9th house and Sagittarius which indicates religion, the higher mind and even ones mentors and gurus. The 12th house or Pisces is the hidden house of the zodiac and along with the 8th house or Scorpio, indicate transformative processes which take place away from the public eye. These are the mysterious houses of the zodiac, the spiritual houses and the ones which take us away from this material world either through death (8th house), which is not of our choice, or the 12th house, which is the house of withdrawal and therefore a choice to “die” to the material world as in the case of monks and nuns who enter monasteries to focus their attention purely on spirituality. Additionally, initiation into spiritual life by a mental or guru is shown by the 5th house. This shows the type of prayer, mantra or other ritual technologies that may assist a person along the path of spiritual enlightenment.

By becoming caught up in the ideology and not looking to ourselves to see what the line of least resistance is in our spiritual development, our path in life, we make the mistake of superimposing concepts on human processes that are just not all compatible with those dogmas. Rather than freeing us spiritually, we experience tension within, the friction of doing something which just doesn’t feel right according to our own inner dictates.

361816_7515-150x150Finding the line of least resistance is the job of the astrologer when trying to help clients discern what sort of meditation is best for them. Armed with the knowledge of the Sun sign, the lunar sign, the rising sign, the 8th, 9th and 12th houses from each of these and other intricate astrological aspects and calculations, we can see what the past life was, what the karmic lapses were leading to transmigration and rebirth in this life.  What the natural predisposition is towards self-understanding and how that can best be facilitated is diametrically opposite to the intransigent dogmas of traditional religion. With the guidance of an astrologer, the seeker takes a left-hand turn in the direction of that line of least resistance which can speedily take him into that zone which reveals his/her True Self.

The following 12 astrological assessments is a brief overview of the natural inclination of each of us to spirituality and meditation based upon the 9th house of the horoscope.


The 9th house of the horoscope regulates one spiritual journey and in this case Sagittarius rules your meditation and higher development. Sagittarius is an outgoing sign and this therefore means that sitting down cross-legged for hours on end contemplating your inner chakras is not going to work particularly well for you. Aries as well Sagittarius are fire signs and you therefore need action, mobility and a sense of physical achievement. Yoga, sports and other physical and competitive activities are perfect to help extinguish the excess fire element within you.  Once you are able to eliminate this aggressive and often overwhelming energy and power, your mind will become stilled and you will then not only be in a position to perform traditional meditation but may even find the physical action of sport and competitive interaction meditation itself.

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You are a stable the zodiac sign and therefore traditional forms of meditation may be useful for you. Those born under the sign of the bull enjoy natural environments and therefore parks, the seaside, wildlife, fauna and flora are excellent environments for you to still your mind and make contact with your higher self. Gardening is often a natural meditation for Taureans. But accepting change is a difficult part of your life and probably one of your biggest lessons, so learning to adapt, breathing deeply when change is forced upon you is also a way for you to go with the flow as they say. You have excellent powers of focus and this is ideal for any sort of meditation where you need to spend lengthy periods in a secluded environment. Capricorn is your 9th house at also shows that more conservative forms of religious activity will suit some of you. By releasing th efear of change your mind will natuaraly become more settled and peaceful thereby making meditation much easier for you.

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Being born under the air sign of Gemini means that you are very curious about many things mentally but at the same time restless. The 9th house of your horoscope shows Aquarius as being the predominant force affecting your spiritual development. As this is an unconventional star sign and one which has revolutionary connotations, traditional forms of religion may not suit you. Your meditation will be primarily of an intellectual calibre, one in which you want to understand the nature of reality and where you fit in the scheme of things. Intellectual discrimination with a focus on the real versus the unreal is an excellent form of meditation because it engages your mind and keeps it focused on one thing, something that is difficult for the typical Gemini to do particularly in the early part of life. Deep breathing is also a way to calm this restlessness and will bring with it one pointedness at which time you’ll be able to do a more traditional form of meditation.

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Selfless service and rendering assistance to those who are in need is an excellent form of meditation for those of you born under the water sign of Cancer. The reason being, your 9th house of spiritual activity is ruled by Pisces which is the sign of self-sacrifice. When you are helping others and nurturing them which is also one of the traits of your Sun sign, if it absorbed as if in another space. The notion that one must be sitting cross-legged staring at one’s third eye to be in meditation is incorrect. Your ability to help others will help reduce your sense of ego over time and unlike the typical Cancer in its lower stage of evolution, attachment to the people you love will slowly melt away leaving with it the pure brilliance of selfless love, which is the goal of all meditation.

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Leo is ruled by the Sun which is the heart of the solar system, the engine room of what happens astrologically. The Sun is also related to one’s vitality, the atomic nature and the physical heart. Activity of all sorts, sport and motion which allows you to slip into the “zone” is what turns you on spiritually. As with Aries, which is your 9th house of higher spiritual aspirations, physical activity gives you a sense of burning away the dross or negativity which causes you anger, frustration and a feeling of being stuck in life. You need to be free of this and act independently so to you spirituality / meditation is a form of inner adventure. You like to be admired but in the more evolved Leo born native the shining state of self-awareness which will be achieved by your physical activities will be also very attractive to others but in a way which will act as a sort of beacon light for those who are lost. Your leadership qualities and your ability to share your inner experiences are also a form of meditation in that you lead others to the same higher states of self-awareness.

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On a spiritual note, Taurus which is your 9th house ruling your higher spiritual activities and meditation is the dominant theme for you in this respect. Taurus is a fixed sign, earthy in nature which means concern for the future and your financial stability may constantly distract you from the deeper more substantial work of clearing away those personality traits holding you back from evolving and becoming self-actualised. Virgo is notorious for being critical and therefore, for meditation to take root those born under the sign of the Virgin need to shine the light of criticism on themselves. This process will remove those personality traits and inner karmic obstructions holding you back from realising your highest potential. As Mercury is the ruling planet for Virgo, intellectual insight and meditations relating to discriminative and philosophical objectives will suit you well.

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Gemini rules your 9th house of higher spiritual activities and in some ways is an obstruction to you focusing your attention clearly on what spiritual technique will yield the best results. This is also borne out in your Sun sign of Libra which is to a large extent one of the most indecisive in the Zodiac. You can always see two sides of the equation and in spiritual matters that will become an obstacle as the path to self-realisation requires a complete surrender of one’s identification with the world of matter. This doesn’t mean you need to leave the world, become a monk and eliminate anything in fact from your life, rather to disassociate and not identify with things of this world and the circumstances that tend to throw you around emotionally. Finding balance through deep breathing and yoga will be a distinct advantage to you and will bring an inner calm which will then allow you to sit for deeper meditation which will reveal amazing insights in time.

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Learning the art of contentment and being happy with what you have seems easy enough to say, however for you it is rather difficult. You have a complex mind interwoven with as complex an emotional nature. Until you are able to fully experience the dark, and come to terms with that part of your nature, thereby releasing it, you will not be able to truly experience the Light nor the contentment that comes from letting go of desire. For Scorpio, having the mutable water sign of Cancer as the 9th house of your horoscope indicates the feminine aspects as well as the procreative ones will play an important role in your spiritual development. The connection between sexuality and love or perhaps more to the point, the disconnection of these two things will be one of the most important keys to your spiritual emancipation. Extinguishing desire forcibly is not advised for you. You should exhaust these desires gently and with love, as an innocent spectator, so that your meditation and spiritual activities will be unburdened by those deeper inner forces which at times can be emotionally turbulent.

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As the 9th house of any horoscope rules spiritual development and the higher mind, with Sagittarius ruling the natural 9th house of the zodiac, there is a natural affinity between those of you born under the sign of the Centaur and spiritual evolution. The 9th house of the horoscope also has to do with past Karma and the previous incarnation. You see life and for that matter meditation and spiritual development as an adventure and if it’s not fun you may not be interested. This doesn’t mean there are no traditional religious people in the Sagittarius camp. The essential ingredient is a sense of fun and exploration. And this extends to culture and religious doctrines. Sagittarius loves compare religions and to extract the best out of all of them to create something unique to them and their own personalities. Openness and generosity which are ruled by Jupiter, the governor of Sagittarius, means that you have a natural sensitivity and ability to develop your meditation. You are already highly evolved so sitting quietly and meditating particularly on the quality of space – conscious space that is, will liberate you from the shackles of endless transmigration and rebirth.

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Those born under Capricorn need lot of pragmatic and practical proof to change their religious or spiritual beliefs or to even commence treading this path. The Earth sign of Taurus regulates your spiritual development and like your Sun sign, also Earth, means that it’s pretty hard for you not to keep your feet firmly planted on this material Earth. But once you establish a sense of security materially, there is nothing stopping you from investigating the deeper spiritual realms within man. With Taurus ruling your 9th house, whose governor is pleasure-loving and artistic Venus, losing yourself in culture, art and music will be your primary meditation. Define the beauty in life, to capture that and emulated will in itself be meditation enough. Once the connection is drawn between the activity of letting go and the sublime states a human being can attain through artistic creativity, that process will then be easily transposed to everything else you do. You will then be in meditation all the time.

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You have an innate sense of breaking the bounds of the known and moving into intellectual territory that is in fact off-limits according to the traditional way of thinking. This is why your meditation and spiritual work will not easily fit into the norm. And nor will the norm easily fit into you. In a strange sort of way the meditation which is best for you is ruled ( as with Capricorn ), by Venus which dominates your 9th house of Libra. Although people regard Libra as the sign of balance it is in fact the sign struggling to find balance. Forever oscillating between the worlds of yes-no, up-down, in-out, possibly-possibly not, your struggle to find balance and inner peace will be obstructed but at the same time nurtured by this life of duality. One of the easiest ways for you to find balance is through communication and to some extent artistic and cultural expression. These things naturally calm your mind and bring you to a state of one-pointedness. It is only at this stage that you will easily slip into meditation in much the same way that when tired, and even exhausted, you simply slip into sleep. Part of your spiritual journey involves helping if not transforming the world and through art and culture which is uniquely and expression of yourself, you can indeed revolutionise the world you live in through your spiritual intent.

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The 9th house at also the 12th house which is the natural house of Pisces, relate to spiritual activities, meditation, monastic life and so on and so forth. You have a natural affinity with all of these things and because the 9th house of your horoscope is ruled by Scorpio, you can be extremely intense and passionate about your spiritual objectives. You can easily surrender yourself to the highest ideal of spirituality and through deep meditation can come to the real of self-realisation in this life as Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac indicating a cessation of karmic activity, are stepping off of the wheel of Karma so to speak. But there is a downside to this sign and that is that you are likely to be a little too idealistic and naive when dealing with the world and many of the scoundrels in it. For your spiritual development to be well rounded you must learn to activate some of the deeper intellectual qualities and you do have that as Jupiter code rules your sign and is indeed an excellent learner and teacher. Gift yourself and ensure your own spiritual stability before sacrificing yourself and becoming the victim.

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DD-Small-with-phone-150x150About the author…..

Dadhichi Toth, is one of Australia’s most respected astrologers and face readers and is also the founder and CEO of Having 32 years practical experience in the field  with  more than 10,000 personal consultations to his credit — including celebrity, corporate and political clientele — Dadhichi is also an author having written the annual best-selling Astrology Forecast series for Harlequin Mills and Boon for nine years. Dadhichi can be contacted at [email protected]

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