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Renewed Interest in Astrology

Here’s the Renewed Interest in Astrology…

Astrology has seen a renewed interest since the new election cycle. Western Astrology was experiencing a revival before the Pandemic. With the help of Instagram meme accounts, venture capital-funded astrology apps and destabilising events such as the Trump presidency and Brexit, the popularity of Western astrology has soared. This trend seems to be being fuelled by 2020.

Astrology in the 21st century

LIFE PROGRESSIONSome people think that astrology is a quaint superstition. They believe it’s a waste and others believe it is useless. However, astrology can be a useful analytical tool that helps people map their lives. It also allows them to identify patterns or trends that could affect their lives. You probably use Google Maps or your smartphone’s weather app to check the forecast before you go. But astrology has evolved beyond its ‘prediction’ roots, and you can use it to help you make the most of your life.

People today are sick of the internet and want more privacy. We are overwhelmed by digital media, and in a quantified world, we need something more. Astrology in the 21st Century by David Cochrane is a holistic approach to astrology. It integrates many ideas and creates one coherent framework. The result is a clearer understanding of birth charts. Cochrane was sceptical at first of astrology’s benefits. However, after many years of research and personal study, he became a believer in astrology.

Many apologists believe that astrology has lost its relevance as a science. However, a new approach has been emerging that incorporates astrology and philosophy. And many astrologers are beginning to understand the role of the divine in predicting future events. One of the most prominent scholars of medieval astrology, Dr Benjamin Dykes, earned his PhD in philosophy from the University of Illinois and received his horary qualification from Robert Zoller. After his PhD, Dykes taught philosophy courses at universities in Illinois. In 2011, he published his three horary books and Traditional Astrology for the 21st century. He also offers lectures on his philosophy of Logos and Light. His talks are available to all astrological groups around the globe.

The New Astrology Renaissance

Astrology is thriving in a world where politics and nuclear threats dominate the news. The paradox of astrology, both genuine and fake, is enticing. The digital natives are obsessed with themselves, selfish, and lack self-awareness and astrology provides them with order and organisation.

Modern astrologers often reference the work of Jung, a prominent figure of the late 19th century. Jung was a well-known psychologist who believed there wasn’t a causal link between stars and Earth and that everything is in our minds. The new age movement reduced astrology’s value to pop psychology and sugary breakfast cereals. And since these modern astrologers did not have access to the classical astrological texts, they could not fully explore their subject.

The New Astrology Renaissance traces the evolution of astrology from its origins in the Middle Ages. Astrology was an essential pillar of educated and shared belief in the early modern era. Humanism was a significant influence in early modern times. However, astrology declined over the past two centuries and lost ground to science, religion and astronomy. After the First World War, however, astrology gained its footing again.

In the 15th century, Europe saw a revival in classical thought. This was when Renaissance started. The translation into Latin of Greek texts was also part of this revival. In contrast, alchemy, banned by the Catholic Church, was now accepted in the West. It is still in its early stages, despite the New Astrology Renaissance. This is because discoveries from antiquity take time to integrate into existing knowledge. For example, computers are not taboo anymore, as opposed to astrology.

Astrology is a religion

community_and_culturalAstrology’s ancient roots dating back to approximately five thousand years, is a fascinating feature. While astrology has its roots in natural-philosophical practices, the practice is also connected to a deeply-held belief in the heavenly bodies and their divinatory intentions. Moreover, all peoples on Earth are familiar with the astronomical observation of the heavenly bodies, which is crucial for the development of calendars and time divisions.

In the nineteenth century, astrology began to break with scientific principles and draw conclusions. While most astrologers still insist on the undiscovered science behind astrology, it has been considered a question of correlations since Paracelsus broke with causal science. However, since the rise of the scientific method, some quantum concepts have entered the astrological discourse. For example, string theory, which is far removed from the scientific process and is not a testable scientific theory, has recently been declared a science by several esteemed scientists.

While the Bible mentions astrology indirectly, it does not go into the nitty-gritty details. But many Christians know of the story of the “star of Bethlehem” in the Gospel of Matthew. The Magi, as they were called, understood the star to be the sign of a Jewish king and, in turn, found him in the baby Jesus. However, these Magi were probably Persian astrology priests who were widely known throughout the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus.

Astrology is a personal decision. Although it’s a person-to-person decision, many find the truth actual. But what is the scientific method? This is the answer in the astrological and esoteric branches of this field. Then astrology is a branch of the magical universe that was developed from Hinduism. Astrology also included Hinduism. Buddha was the central figure of theosophy. His doctrines had rebirths and karma, which are about the person’s character.

Using astrology to plan your life

You can use astrological energy to help plan your life. Using astrology to plan your life can be a powerful tool to help you find fulfilment in your work and love lives or find a new passion project. It can also help you create a strong foundation for your home life. Here are a few tips for using astrology to plan your life.

To make realistic plans for your life, you can use the sun and moon signs. Your Sun sign is the foundation of your personality. Your chart should include influences from Scorpio, the fixed water element. It will help you determine the right time to take on different endeavours. Astrology can also help you understand the best times to spend with your partner.

A study showed that those who use social media to read astrology are less likely than others to feel high-stress levels. The results of this study were not statistically significant. However, it did show a statistical association between astrology and the presence of stress. Social media astrology was more popular with women than it was with men. This is not to say that astrology should be disregarded, and it should not replace a healthy relationship with other forms of therapy or self-help.

Astrology can help you plan the stages of your life. Although it isn’t a perfect science, it will help you make better decisions. When combined with The Law of Attraction, you can create powerful manifestations of what you want in life. And since the Law of Attraction is such a complex philosophy, this article can only touch on a few of the most vital aspects.

The new millennials and astrology

The Millennials represent a new generation of ‘postreligious’ youth. They are more open to alternative ideas and have less faith than previous generations. Numerous millennials find comfort in traditional astrology. This changes as more millennials turn towards this spiritual practice, making it an excellent fit for their upbeat, self-expressive lifestyles.

The millennial generation shuns traditional organised religions, and astrology is a popular alternative. Astrology can help millennials find meaning and purpose in life, even though conventional beliefs are long gone. Although it may seem counter-intuitive for millennials, the science of astrology has remained relatively unchanged since thousands of years ago. Interpreting a person’s astrological signs were thought to give people a deeper understanding of the universe and themselves. As technology has advanced and spiritualism has increased, astrology has enjoyed a resurgence.

Recent research suggests that the millennial generation is increasingly interested in astrology. While many young people say they do not believe in it, the Gen Z generation has a keen eye for research. Millennials are resourceful and have a keen eye for research. Astrology is an attractive alternative. Astrology similarly predicts many people’s lives to the “Dumbo” feather or the potion Ron uses in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince.

Mainstream astrology articles tend to discredit astrology. However, many millennials turn to this site for help. According to the National Science Foundation, astrology is considered a science by a third of millennials. Despite this, many young adults still view it as mere light entertainment. They see astrology as a language or tool that is more symbolic than literal.


Dadhichi Toth

the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

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