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Astrological Profile for Those Born on August 2

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Moon.

There is a soothing quality which permeates your strong Leonian nature. This power may be used to attract others into your circle of influence, and usually, cements those people to you as allies on your path to success. Your power is in your softness and can be very disarming as you know how to blend your inner fire with the calming and adaptable water element which the Moon endows you with.

You may have very vivid or psychic dreams.

People born August 2, tend to be passionate about everything. Their impatience, passion, and determination will drive them to succeed. Their passions and energy will be best spent on productive things.

Those born on the 2nd of August are cheerful, outgoing, and liberal in their thinking. Sometimes their private goals surpass those of the professional. The greatest aspiration for an August 2 is emotional happiness, but this does not mean they aren't sensitive and practical in their pursuit of their goals. This birthdate also brings a strong sense of fairness and compassion. They use these traits to achieve their goals and dreams.

Those born on August 2 have the capacity to achieve great things. These people have strong visions and can use their energy to reach those goals. They are creative thinkers and talented and can overcome setbacks and challenges thanks to their talents. However, they are prone to a lack of discipline and tend to be irresponsible, and may even neglect their personal hygiene. The good news is that the positive aspects of this birth month are outweighed by their negatives.

People born under this birth sign tend to be outgoing and friendly, and they are good communicators. They also have great eloquence and creativity. They are a strong force because they want to shine in public. Additionally, their practicality and sensibility is a plus. This makes them great role models and leaders.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Henry Steel Olcott, Myrna Loy, James Baldwin, Peter O'Toole, Edward Furlong and Dingdong Dantes.


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