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What is My Life About?

My Life According to Astrology

What is My Life About?

What is my purpose?

Although we’re led to believe that astrology is about the stars, it’s essentially more about us. As living conscious beings looking for meaning and is designed to give us an insight into what our purpose here in life is about. Astrology is a tool for determining what the line of least resistance is in terms of our path forward and is a useful way of identifying our karmic strengths and weaknesses. Through an analysis of your horoscope at the time of birth, it’s a simple matter to see which planets are strong, well aspected, elevated etc and dominating your life.

What is My Life About?

Astrology, the Blueprint of your Life


What is genetics other than the unravelling of a human being’s inbuilt programming? You’re constantly evolving based upon the genome concept. If you were born with a faulty M2SH2 gene you may develop diverticulitis. 

You could say “I have free will to eat what I want” but believe it not, you will probably only eat the foods that irritate your digestive tract because that desire is also hard-wired within you along with other genetic tendencies. Our free will is pre-wired so astrology may not be all that far from the truth in depicting what your character and events of life may turn out like.

Do what you can with your talents but remember that even the outcome is not in your hands. Some make little or no effort yet become wealthy and successful. Others like Van Gogh, the famous artist died penniless even though they were brilliant at their craft. Accepting this idea is called surrender. As long as you love what you do you’ll be provided for by the Universe. Understand that what you think materializes. This too is a scientific idea that is hard for people to accept but very true.

Thinking is what produces destiny. Look around your room right now. What do you see? The computer and many other things, correct? 100 years ago there was no such thing. Where did these things originate? Where was the seed of these inventions before they became a reality? They were simply thoughts, ideas in a person’s mind. Then the mind gave weight to these thoughts. 

The awareness of these ideas concretized into matter. Awareness becomes physical in time. Einstein’s equation of relativity states the same. Matter – everything that exists is simply decelerated light. An inverse of e=mc2 which describes energy simply matters. This equation is a relationship between matter and pure energy. We are all simply pure light in essence. Your awareness is light accelerated. When Light slows down it becomes the Universe.

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Many religions scriptures also say as did the Bible, – “And God said – Let there be Light”. Then the light was his first manifestation. Pure Awareness or Intelligence prior to all things initially became Light. Subsequently, the light became all this. Also, you emulate this principle in life. What you think slows down in time and becomes the very thing you think of. And this is why medicine is only now figuring out how powerful the connection between mind and body is.

However, if you are angry all the time those thoughts manifest as high blood pressure. Then, if you are stubborn and inflexible you will become arthritic. And if you resent and hold grudges, your digestion will suffer. Thoughts have hormones attuned to them. So, when you have a thought – watch the stream of ideas passing before the light of your awareness in the sky of your mind and convert them to pure and uplifting ones. This will ensure a pure manifestation in your life. And the longer and more persistent the pure idea is the greater the chance of its manifestation.

So what will you manifest in this life? What are you destined to be? And what is it you think you can do? All these questions are answered by astrology, the blueprint of your life.

Types of Astrology

There are many divisions of astrology and several of those branches include

  • Natal astrology, which is the study of one’s birth chart at the precise time and place of birth
  • Medical astrology or what is otherwise known as Astro-pathology deals with the diagnostics of health and disease and even discusses ways in which the person can be healed. This is also similar to the Hindu Vedic astrological concept which goes even further in utilising such things as propitiatory methods, appeasing the planets, charitable works and other ritualistic actions which can somehow neutralise the influence of these planetary forces on one’s life.
  • Horary Astrology, the fascinating branch dealing with the answering of questions and preparation of horoscopes for the precise moment a question is asked. Political and mundane astrology deal with the horoscopes of nations and political leaders and deal with the historic trends of a country as well as the environment, for example, the prediction of earthquakes, pestilence, floods and even economic modulations. Wars, treaties and other political developments seem to follow astronomical trends for example lunations and in particular solar and lunar eclipses.
  • Political and mundane astrology deal with the horoscopes of nations and political leaders and deal with the historic trends of a country as well as the environment, for example, the prediction of earthquakes, pestilence, floods and even economic modulations. Wars, treaties and other political developments seem to follow astronomical trends for example lunations and in particular solar and lunar eclipses.

Plotting major events throughout history does seem to correlate more or less with these celestial events and more recently connections to the sunspot cycle are being investigated to see how this can impact on humans as for example an increase in heart disease, strokes et cetera during these sunspot peaks and troughs. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that astrology does in fact, express the intimate link between the course of human life and planetary movements.