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Astrological Profile for Those Born on August 23

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Mercury.

Both Virgo and the day of birth are ruled by Mercury in your case, endowing you with incredible powers of speech. Your mind is quick, alert, curious and of course, somewhat critical too. You have the ability to act spontaneously and usually with a high degree of correct perception in any given matter. You will at times attract highly stressful situations almost as if you find new perspectives on how to overcome the challenges you set for yourself.

You love movement. Change is something that will never leave you as you are interested in all that is exciting, fresh and undiscovered. Careers in hygiene, health and even hospitality industry would be ideal for you.

The birthday horoscope for August 23rd reveals that the person is generally healthy and well-adjusted. Their emotions can be bottled up making it difficult for them to feel their real feelings. Their well-being can be affected by excessive emotions or physical tensions. Therefore, they should maintain clear boundaries. They should also leave some room for their own personal development. People who were born after August 23rd may be more susceptible to skin breakouts and moodiness.

This sign is known for being quiet and making learning hard. Hence, if you want to learn, you need to learn to control your own thoughts and let go of others' opinions. Nevertheless, there are some important lessons you can learn from your birthday horoscope for August 23rd.

However, they tend to avoid dependence and are best suited for single life. They are good listeners but are more likely to prioritize their families' needs than their own. You can also develop your artistic abilities through these activities.

The August 23rds can be too emotional and controlling in the world of relationships. This can lead to them taking things too personally. However, life doesn't have to be so complex or brutal. Your life will be easier if you keep your temper under control and your sanity intact.

Your lucky color is green.

Your lucky gems are Emerald, Aquamarine or Jade.

Your lucky days of the week Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.

Famous people born on your birthday include Louis XV1, Edgar Lee Masters, Ernie Bushmiller, Gene Kelly, Barbara Eden, Rick Springfield, River Phoenix and Jay Mohr.


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