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Astrological Profile for Those Born on December 30

Your Star Sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Saturn and Jupiter.

The planets ruling you are friendly and indicate a balance between the male and female polarities. You are endowed with optimism and great generosity and so harmonious relationships will generally be part of your life. You are able to hide the negative or inconsistent parts of your nature, but at times may be inclined to criticise over trifling matters.

You are very highly idealistic and are able to communicate, or teach this idealism, for the sake of the higher good.

You should always take care in scrutinising people you are involved with, as there are some indications that you may be used for the selfish purposes of others. Closer scrutiny and study of human character is a trait that you can develop so as to achieve the pinnacle of your potential.

If you were born on December 30, you may be wondering how your birth date will affect your life. Those born under this sign's influence will be determined and steadfast. While this can make them difficult to relate to if you're a lazy person, it also helps them stay calm and collected in stressful situations.

People born December 30th are practical, optimistic, and practical. However they can also be very blunt and pragmatic emotionally. People born in December 30th are naturally gifted communicators. They will be able communicate with others well and achieve their goals. This day is known for its generosity and good ideas.

People born on December 30 have increased chances of finding love, especially if they're a creative type. These people are friendly, and they enjoy being around dramatists. Their romantic life can also revolve around women, who play an important role in their lives. However, their relationship with women can be troubled by security issues. They can be vulnerable to physical harm, which means that they should be careful to protect their identity at all times.

They have a great sense of humor and are very ambitious. They value family and strive to make people's lives enjoyable. You can expect the same in your relationships with others. If you were born December 30, it is a good idea to search for someone who shares your values.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Rudyard Kipling, Bert Parks, Bo Diddley, Jack Lord, Tiger Woods, Tracey Ullman, Julianne Moore and Jason Behr.


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