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Astrological Profile for Those Born on February 4

Your Star Sign is Aquarius

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planet is Uranus.

You are extremely methodical in your thought but you must learn to temper your opinion and accommodate other people's point of view. Because you are hard working, you may tend to exceed your physical capacity and this may result to a high degree of self-criticism. The number 4 is an extreme number, especially in its desire for material success. Do not overemphasise the importance of your worldly activity and accomplishments. Give some time to your spiritual and inner life.

The combination of energies on your birth date show you are completely ruled by the planet Uranus, and somewhat by the Dragon, which is known as the North Node. These revolutionary and abrupt influences speak of your unconventional nature. You should use these powers to produce things of a down to earth nature, rather than running off into untried or untested areas too soon.

You have a very electrical aura about you, which makes you very enticing, very magnetic, not just to members of the opposite sex but also to members of your own sex. Use this energy to achieve success as there is no doubt you will make a great impact in the world.

You're a water sign and you're in the second decan of Aquarius, a sign which encompasses people born between February 1 and February 9.

The Birthday Horoscope for those born on February 4, or Aquarius, is quite balanced. Passionate, creative, practical, and open to new ideas, you will be a good friend and enjoy being around others. Your are a person who enjoys the company of others, especially those who share their sense of adventure. Your personality and interests will likely mesh with those of the same sign, regardless of whether you are interested in politics or arts.

Your ruling planet is known for its ability to surprise, is an exceptional teacher, activist, and intellectual. This impulsiveness, however, can cause a person to be generous with their resources. They are often spontaneous and can be very generous, especially if they have too much of it.

The February 4th birthday person is highly energetic and uses their energy to accomplish many tasks. Their strength is in the distribution of their powers in constructive ways. If you have too much energy on your hands, you may be unable to finish every project. This could mean that you need to take one project at a while and eliminate all uncertainty. Keeping some of your thoughts to yourself will help you get things done more efficiently, but it's also important to make time for laughter.

Your lucky colors are Electric Blue, Electric White and Multi colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Charles Lindbergh, Ida Lupino, Alice Cooper, Laura Linney, Michael Goorjian, Oscar De La Hoya and Natalie Imruglia.


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