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Astrological Profile for Those Born on January 14

Your Star Sign is Capricorn

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Saturn and Mercury.

In a Birthday Horoscope January 14, you are likely to have aspirations, but they are also realistic and grounded. You will need to keep your cool when trying to accomplish things quickly. This sign is indicative of strong will and a social nature. You can adapt quickly to change thanks to your strong will. Your ambitions might be too great for you.

If you were born on this day, you may be impulsive and like to take on a challenge. Your tenacity and ability to overcome obstacles will be legendary. Your practicality and ability to choose your battles will be a hallmark of you. You'll have the ability to balance your professional and personal lives. You should also make sure you have fun and creativity, because all work and no play can be exhausting. If you're interested in finding out more about your life path, you're in luck.

January 14th is ruled by the astrological sign Capricorn. Saturn is its ruler. People born under this aspect tend to limit themselves, but this can be a good thing. This can lead to success and romance. Capricorns are not happy to be on their own and prefer the company of others. You might find that a relationship can bring out the best in someone and even make them more attractive to you.

The energies of these two powerful planets result in a most revolutionary and incredibly changeable destiny. You are cautioned to act with great care, lest your own power devour you. It is best for you not to act impulsively, nor to speculate, but to harness the gift of this great electrical and magnetic energy that you have been endowed with.

You are at a crossroad in your life in this incarnation and will be confronted with choices as to whether to "buck the system" and authority or to use those forces to help you achieve your own ends. You may have had issues early in life that relate to your father and so must resolve those facets of your inner life to bring out the best in your love, marriage and relationships generally.

The only way you can achieve grand success in this life is through keeping your motives channeled along higher lines of action.

Your lucky color is green.

Your lucky gems are Emerald, Aquamarine or Jade.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77.

Famous people born on your birthday include Albert Schweitzer, John Dos Passos, Julian Bond, Faye Dunaway and Emily Watson.


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