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Astrological Profile for Those Born on July 19

Your Star Sign is Cancer

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Moon and Sun.

Your vibrations are a very powerful blend of Sun, Moon and also Mars. As such your strong sense of identity makes you fit for all sorts of leadership positions where responsibility is concerned. Though you like to take centre stage and present your own virtues and abilities it will never be at the expense of others' reputation.

In fact, you may use your power to assist those beneath you to attain a higher status. Your 28th year may bring renewed career opportunities.

The Birthday Horoscope July 19 is filled with many positive traits. They have a creative and imaginative side, as well as a strong desire to learn and explore the world around them. People born on this day are impatient and can be temperamental, even though they were not born until the 19th. They should address their inner issues.

People born on this day are generally highly manipulative and willful. They are most likely to have water-related problems and are more inclined to deal with them. Nevertheless, if they aren't alone in this, their other relationships may be affected. Nonetheless, they are able to avoid some of the negative traits of this date. Although they can be friendly and affectionate, they don't seem to enjoy being in love. Though they tend to get to a position of power and influence early in their life, they often cannot hold it. Their unique characteristics may also make them more successful and captivating.

Although the Birthday Horoscope July 19 reveals that people born on this date are generally infallible in commitment, they may not be as loyal to those they love as they might appear to be. Although they may have temper tantrums, their charm and seductive playfulness can make up for this. They are more likely to find many people they love when in love. They may be more productive when they live close to their family, but they might need to go on vacation to recharge. They are drawn to destinations near the ocean or the coast.

Your lucky colors are copper and gold.

Your lucky gem is Ruby.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday, Monday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,46,55,64,73 and 82.

Famous people born on your birthday include Degas, Marc Chagall, A.J. Cronin, George S. McGovern, Peter Barton, Anthony Edwards, Campbell Scott, Patricia Ja Lee and Topher Grace.


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