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Astrological Profile for Those Born on July 26

Your Star Sign is Leo

Leo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Sun and Saturn.

Being diametrically opposed in nature, the Sun and Saturn provide ample challenge in your life. At times your physical and ... emotional energies feel stifled. Issues of closeness, love and warmth, particularly with male figures in your life will have ramifications for you after marriage. As Saturn rules your 6th and 7th Solar Houses, work versus marriage issues will require a lot of delicate handling by you. You are an honest and hard worker with a strong sense of duty.

Your 35th year onwards sees professional rise - slow, but steady.

If you are a person born on July 26, then the birthday horoscope for you is a lot like that of a sign from the other zodiac. People born on this day are renowned for their high energy levels and positive traits, including a good sense of humor. The traits of a July 26th person are what make them stand out from the rest of us. They are also known for being able to unite people without jealousy and hostility.

People born on this day have a strong drive for success. These people are neat and creative, and love being surrounded with visionaries. Their drive to discover new things is another characteristic. These qualities come from their zodiac sign, Leo, which represents responsibility, stubbornness, and royalty. You should expect to conquer the world if you were born July 26.

Your lucky colors are deep blue and black.

Your lucky gems are blue sapphire, lapis lazuli and amethyst.

Your lucky days of the week are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71.

Famous people born on your birthday include George Bernard Shaw, Carl Jung, Aldous Huxley, Robert Graves, Stanley Kubrick, Mick Jagger, Sandra Bullock, Kevin Spacey, Vivian Vance and Kate Beckinsale.


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