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Astrological Profile for Those Born on June 15

Your Star Sign is Gemini

Gemini Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mercury and Venus.

These vibrations are highly independent in nature and coupled with the influence of Venus means that your relationships will not always go smoothly as you require an unrestrained approach to love. No holding you back. You need a partner who can allow you the freedom to be who you are and to mix with the friends you choose lest jealousy becomes a wedge in this department of your life.

You are highly creative and may have discovered some artistic talents even from a very early age. It is quite likely you are supported by your family in this regard and should endeavour to utilise your gifts to the utmost. Your 24th year of life is significant for love and possibly marriage.

Your June 15th birthday is a sign that you are ambitious and free-spirited. Although you may be able to think clearly, your brain is also able to absorb information well. On the other hand, you'll likely be impatient and lethargic when it comes to physical exercise. Although your June 15th birthday isn't a bad time to meet someone new, you're probably best off keeping your distance.

The Gemini personality, as reflected in your June 15 Birthday Horoscope, is devoted to others. While most people draw the line at self-preservation, Geminis have no problem sacrificing their own needs for the good of others. Sometimes, this loyalty can make Geminis moody or emotional. Geminis are likely to be passionate about the outdoors, nature and may even enjoy being adventurous.

People born on June 15 are powerful romantic partners. They are irresistible because of their charm and intellect. They shouldn't put their own values over their partner's. They'll often end up deciding between two types of relationships, one based on instinct and one based on intellect. The latter is the best choice if you are involved in a relationship. You can also find the right partner by looking at yourself and not letting other people make you feel better.

A person born on June 15 has varied abilities and skills. Although June 15's are often not practical, they have great intuition. They're quick to solve problems, but they can end up getting caught up in trivial matters. They need to stay true to themselves or they can end up with small talk. They are often open-minded, but June 15th can get caught up in trivial matters or chases that don't serve their goals.

Your lucky colors are white and cream, rose and pink.

Your lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire or quartz crystal.

Your lucky days of the week Friday, Saturday, Wednesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78.

Famous people born on this day include Saul Steinberg, Erroll Garner, James Belushi, Helen Hunt, Courteney Cox, Jake Busey and Dan Paris.


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