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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 18

Your Star Sign is Pisces

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Neptune and Mars.

You have a drive for independence which is backed by high idealism and imagination. What more could you ask for? You don't want any support outwardly, but let's face it - no man is an island unto himself. So don't fight it, you do need love and the odd compliment - who knows, you might even start enjoying it!

Anger and dispute just seem to be a natural part of your personality. They needn't be. With your financial drive so strong you may even find yourself drawn into legal issues at some point in life, which may prevent your smooth sailing in life.

Let go and let God.

The March 18 zodiac people are idealistic and passionate by nature. They don't hesitate to try new things. They have diverse interests and have gone through several phases of self-expression. They are positive and enthusiastic about life, which makes them ideal for positions that demand empathy and compassion.

People born on March 18 are dreamy and artistic. These people use their psychic intuition to guide their activities. They are able to learn from mistakes and become great mediators thanks to their intuitive skills. Their love for their families and friends is evident in their relationship choices. The birthday horoscope for those born on March 18 includes many details about relationships.

People born on March 18 are naturally passionate and loving. They are attracted to charismatic, independent, and creative individuals. They are in love right now, but they still need someone to protect them. Commitment and compromise are characteristics of a soulmate born on March 18. It's also a sign of love and loyalty, so they are willing to sacrifice their needs to help others.

People born on March eighteen possess a natural talent for bringing out the best in others. They will see the greatness in others, even though it isn't always friendly or welcoming. It is rare to find this talent, and it's something that not many people possess.

Your lucky colors are red, maroon, scarlet and autumn tones.

Your lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 9, 18, 27, 36. 45, 54, 63, 72.

Famous people born on your birthday include Grover Cleveland, Stephane Mallarme, Edgar Cayce, Manly P. Hall, Peter Graves, George Plimpton, John Updike, Vanessa Williams, Queen Latifah, Brad Dourif, Luc Besson and Devin Lima.


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