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Astrological Profile for Those Born on March 28

Your Star Sign is Aries

Aries Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Sun.

Your vibration reveals contradictory energies within you. Emotionally you are not fulfilled but you certainly have a dramatic flair and a pleasing personality. The theatre or the arts may attract you and many good dancers and performers were born under the vibration common to yours.

Don't be so nervous about change. In your case, it is a debilitating thing. The secret is to simply do what you love and love what you do.

Those born on March 28 possess a vivacious personality with a good sense of self-assurance. Their strength lies in their independence, openness, and humanist values. Their weaknesses revolve around unpredictability and their tendency to act daydreamy or ignorant. This is frustrating, and can lead to problems.

Aries loves the mysterious and passionate. They seek a partner with similar qualities and a zest for life. Those born on this day are likely to spark a flame in a relationship. Aries could be attracted to ambitious, driven people. One-person Aries can lose focus if they get too involved in their tasks or projects. Their virtuous nature makes it possible to keep their focus.

Aries people are born March 28th. They are ambitious and quick-witted. Aries is known for their tendency to be self-serving. However, they are also easily offended and stubborn, and they need to learn to accept criticism. People born March 28th should practice patience and understanding during the first stages of a relationship.

Your lucky colors are copper and gold.

Your lucky gem is Ruby.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday, Monday and Thursday .

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,46,55,64,73 and 82.

Famous people born on your birthday include Raphael, Edmund Muskie, Dirk Bogarde, Vince Vaughn, Reba McEntire, Goldy Locks and Julia Stiles.


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