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Astrological Profile for Those Born on November 11

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Moon.

Caring is one thing and criticism is another. People are touchy and appreciate any sensitivity you show for them. Burn off some steam. Enjoy some competitive sport. Feel your feelings.

Sometimes, when you get psyched, you like to take the initiative. By being brave you can overcome obstacles. You can get along with people by starting new projects. Yes, it can be up to you to fire the emotional charge and get things going.

Your mom could have been a bit of a hot head. Candid, sincere and excitable, you must deal with intense emotions. You can successfully relate to people once you learn to control your temper.

In reality, you are probably hiding great inner worry because it is hard for you to express yourself well. Although it is possible to express yourself with joy, you must be aware of what your actions will do.

The November 11 horoscope for women is particularly positive because this sign is a blend of male and female principles. They are good friends with both genders. This day is not for men. Women born this year should be careful about adopting male habits. In love, November 11 people are passionate but need to be careful not to get carried away by their passion.

People born November 11th are independent, persistent and often self-sufficient. They are also protective and intuitive. In addition, their sign reflects their astrological sign, Scorpio. These people are also known for their strong emotions and emotional reactions. A birthday horoscope for those born on November 11 provides a wealth of information. The November 11 birth horoscope may not be as positive or average.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Feodor Dostoyevsky, George Patton, Pat O'Brien, Kurt Vonnegut Jr, Jonathon Winters, Demi Moore, Calista Flockhart and Leonardo Di Caprio.


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