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Astrological Profile for Those Born on November 6

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Venus.

You are ruled by the Planet of Love, Venus, so it shows your drive for both worldly success and happiness in personal relationships. The qualities of love, sympathy and harmony are trademarks so all of the refined and aesthetic pleasures of art, poetry and beauty are brought out by your birth number.

Your personality is very agreeable and you sometimes attempt to maintain your friends, even when those relationships may already be outworn. Learn to let go of those relationships that have no real value in your life. You have a strong attraction for members of the opposite sex so will never be without an admirer.

Your birth date is very significant, and your Birth Horoscope for November 6 shows that you are likely to be a charming, caring, altruistic, and sometimes sarcastic individual. Your ambition and drive to achieve success are typical. You want to excel at all things.

People born on November 6 are energetic and passionate, and they need people who will stimulate their personalities. People who are passionate about their passion and energy will be able to motivate them to do hard work. Passionate people born November 6th will work hard to love what they do and enjoy doing it. They will be able to spread this kind of passion and enthusiasm throughout their lives. Take care of your body and go out and explore the world.

Your lucky colors are white and cream, rose and pink.

Your lucky gems are diamond, white sapphire or quartz crystal.

Your lucky days of the week Friday, Saturday, Wednesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78.

Famous people born on your birthday include John Philip Sousa, Ray Conniff, James Jones, Mike Nichols, Sally Field, Ethan Hawke, Thandie Newton and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.


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